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词汇 very cold
例句 I've especially asked for very cold champagne, so they should ice the glass.我特地要了冰冷的香槟,因此他们应该把杯子冰一下。It was very cold, but there wasn't much snow on the ground.天很冷,但地上的雪倒不是很多。She has a very cold and impersonal manner.她的态度非常冷淡,没有人情味。These plants can stand very cold temperatures.这些植物非常耐寒。It was a very cold house, especially in winter.这房子里面很冷,尤其是在冬天。If you don't wear a thick coat, you will be very cold.如果不穿件厚外套,你会感到很冷的。The days are warmer, but the nights are very cold.白天比较暖和,而夜晚极冷。It was very cold, damp and miserable.天气非常寒冷潮湿,令人难受。It's been very cold this month, but today's an exception.这个月天气一直很冷,但今天是例外。The sea was very cold and it required great strength of mind to get in.海水很冷,需要有足够的勇气才敢下水。Living so far north, they're used to the very cold winters.他们住得这样偏北,已经习惯严寒的冬天了。When they met, he was very cold and distant.他们见面时,他十分冷淡疏远。It can be very cold here, specially in winter.这里非常冷,尤其是在冬天。Moscow is a very cold place in winter.莫斯科是一座冬季气候严寒的城市。Concrete is liable to crack in very cold weather.在严寒的天气下混凝土可能会开裂。It's very cold today; the temperature has dropped to freezing point.今天很冷,温度降到了冰点。In the north the ground becomes very cold as the winter snow and ice covers the ground.冬天冰雪覆盖大地,北方的地面变得非常寒冷。As evening fell it got very cold.随着夜幕降临,天开始冷起来。The house was very cold because the heating had broken down.暖气系统出了毛病,屋里很冷。The temperature had risen slightly, but it was still very cold.气温略微上升,但是仍然很冷。A tiled floor in the kitchen is as hard as stone, and very cold beneath your feet.厨房里铺地砖的地面硬得犹如石头,踩在脚下非常冷。These plants cannot survive in very cold conditions.这些植物无法在非常寒冷的条件下生存。It's very cold outside.外面很冷。In January it turned very cold.一月份天气变得很冷。Contrary to popular belief, a desert can be very cold.和普遍的看法相反的是,沙漠上可能非常寒冷。The instruments are designed for use in very cold conditions.这些仪器是为在非常寒冷的环境中使用而设计的。She's a very cold fish.她是一个非常冷漠的人。As it was a very cold day, I kept on the move to stay warm.由于那天天气很冷,我不断活动着使身体保持暖和。 The secret to making good pastry is to use very cold water.做出上乘油酥点心的秘诀在于要用很冷的水。Remove from the heat and plunge the base of the pan into a bowl of very cold water.先把锅从炉子上拿开,然后把锅底浸入一盆冷水中。It was very cold, which seemed unnatural for late spring.天很冷,对于晚春来说似乎不正常。It was very cold and the temperature fell to zero or thereabout.天气很冷,气温降到零度左右。In winter the winds can be very cold.冬天的风会很冷的。Most white wine tastes best when served very cold.大多数白葡萄酒冷饮味道最佳。Next time she saw Harry he wasn't rude to her, just very cold.她再次见到哈里的时候,他没有对她不礼貌,只是很冷淡。Yesterday's weather was very cold. Today's weather is mild by comparison.昨天天气非常冷。相对而言今天的天气算温和的了。The hotel was quite large and very cold.这家旅馆相当大,里面非常冷。




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