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Black and white TV sets are now very cheap to buy.现在购买黑白电视机非常便宜。Some insurers have wised up to the fact that their clients were getting very cheap insurance.一些保险公司已经意识到其客户所得到的保险金非常少。Their quote was very cheap, relatively speaking.相对而言,他们的报价很低。The company's offerings range from the very cheap to the hideously expensive.该公司提供的产品种类很多,从价格低廉的到贵得吓人的都有。Silver is very cheap in Mexico.银在墨西哥很便宜。The jumper was very cheap - it'll probably fall to bits the first time I wear it.那件套头毛衣便宜极了一我第一次穿就有可能会裂成碎片。Their new drug was effective and safe, and, best of all, it was very cheap to manufacture.他们的新药有效又安全,最令人高兴的是生产成本很低。You can buy them anywhere, and they're very cheap.你到处都买得到它们,而且很便宜。It was very cheap as the prices of cars go these days.就现时汽车价格来说,那辆车很便宜。The car is very cheap to run.养这台车花费很小。 |