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词汇 felt
例句 He finally felt in command of his life.他终于感到能够主宰自己的命运了。Abdel felt free to tick him off for smoking too much.阿卜杜勒动辄责骂他抽烟太凶。Stephen felt a sudden burst of indignation.斯蒂芬感到一阵突然的愤怒。He liked me and I felt comfortable with him.他喜欢我,我和他在一起也觉得很自在。She felt ill with/from exhaustion.她过于劳累,病倒了。She felt equal measures of hope and fear.她感到希望和恐惧各半。I felt obligated to let him read the letter.我觉得有义务让他看到这封信。He felt a sudden heaviness in his chest.他突然感到胸口一沉。They felt under no obligation to maintain their employees.他们觉得没有义务为员工提供生活费。He felt that he had failed her when she needed him most.他觉得,在她最需要他的时候,他令她失望了。She felt a sudden flush of anger.她突然感到一阵愤怒。He felt overshadowed by her eloquence which made him aware of his own communication difficulties.她流利的口才令他觉得自己黯然失色,也使他意识到了自己的交流困难。Many felt unease about the methods used.很多人对所使用的方法感到忧虑。She felt the eyes of the world watching her.她感到世人的眼睛都在盯着她。Tom felt himself being drawn towards her vibrant personality.汤姆感觉自己被她充满朝气的个性所吸引。He felt a twinge of arthritis when he stood up.他站起来的时候感到了关节炎引起的一阵刺痛。He felt a gentle touch on his shoulder.他感到肩膀被轻轻碰了一下。Beneath the surface calm, she felt very insecure.她表面平静,但内心感到非常不安。He felt he had been disloyal to his friends.他觉得自己对朋友们不忠诚。Though they still talked a lot, Harry felt that their idyll was drawing to an end.尽管他们依然聊了很多,哈里却感到他们的浪漫插曲即将结束。I felt a tremble as the truck drove by.卡车驶过时我感到一阵颤抖。I felt a slight twinge of disappointment.我微微感到一种失望的刺痛。He felt self-reproach concerning his mother's death.他为母亲的死亡感到内疚。By the end of the day I felt drained, with nothing to show for all my work.一天结束时我感到精疲力竭,做了那么多工作却什么也看不出来。I felt a bit miffed that no one had told me about the trip.我感到有些生气,没人告诉我有关旅行的事。Emily felt a searing anger against her father.埃米莉对父亲感到一阵强烈的愤怒。He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he could have expressed it differently.他并不后悔说了自己所做的事,但觉得本可以换一种方式表达。I felt alone in the world.在这个世界上我感到很孤单。She always felt that her parents favoured her brother.她总觉得父母偏爱弟弟。As an American growing up in Africa, I always felt a sense of otherness.作为一名成长在非洲的美国人,我总感觉和别人不一样。Maggie felt a muscle spasm in her back.玛吉觉得背部肌肉一阵抽搐。He felt he had truly arrived when he got his first part in a Broadway play.他第一次在百老汇剧目中出演角色时,觉得自己真的成功了。I felt like a prig for raising the question.我因为提出这个问题而觉得自己有些自以为是。Mary Ann felt painfully inadequate in the crisis.意识到自己在这场危机中无能为力,玛丽·安感到很痛苦。Instead of satisfaction she felt only guilt.她没有感到满足,反倒觉得很内疚。She felt caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. 她觉得进退两难。I felt a pang of sympathy for her.我心中突然涌起一阵对她的同情。Annie felt her face whiten and knew she had betrayed herself.安妮感觉到自己的脸颊变白,她知道她暴露了自己的真实想法。Stephanie felt a pinch of envy.斯蒂芬妮觉得有一点点羡慕。He felt a pain in his left side.他感到身体左侧一阵疼痛。




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