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词汇 fell through
例句 The sale of the house fell through when the buyer pulled out.房屋交易因买方退出而中止。He fell through the window, breaking the glass.他撞破玻璃从窗口摔了下去。We found a buyer for our house, but then the sale fell through.我们给房子找了个买家,结果买卖没成。He almost fell through a hole in the ice.他差点掉进了冰窟窿。He fell through a weak spot in the ice.他从冰薄的地方掉进了冰窟窿里。The catering arrangements for the conference fell through at the last minute.为大会提供餐饮服务的安排在最后一刻成了泡影。A major business deal fell through, leaving him penniless.一笔大买卖搞砸了,他落得身无分文。The ice broke and they both fell through.冰碎裂了,他俩都掉了下去。There was an airline strike in India, and all our plans fell through at the last minute.印度的航空公司罢工,我们的一切方案在最后关头落空了。The children ventured out on the thin ice and fell through.孩子们冒险踏上薄冰,结果掉了进去。The boy fell through the ice and was drowned.这个男孩子掉入冰窟中淹死了。The plan fell through.该计划已经告吹。They wanted to turn the estate into a private golf course and offered £20 million, but the deal fell through.他们出价两千万英镑,想把这块地变成高尔夫球场,但交易泡汤了。The deal fell through when investors backed off.由于投资者反悔,这笔交易告吹了。The deal fell through when investors backed out.由于投资者反悔,这笔交易告吹了。The floor gave way and they all fell through into the room below.地板塌陷,他们都掉进了脚下的房间。Many of the small hot coals fell through the grate.许多灼热的小煤块从炉栅上掉下来。The deal fell through when the author received a more attractive offer.作者收到了一个更有吸引力的报价,那笔交易就吹了。In a word,the whole plan fell through.总而言之,整个计划完全失败了。The studio planned to make a movie of the book but the deal fell through.电影公司计划把那本书拍成电影,但是交易没谈成。The deal with the house fell through so I'm afraid we're back to square one.这栋房子的交易失败了,恐怕我们得从头再来。The deal fell through because they couldn't get enough money from the bank.这笔生意告吹了,因为他们从银行借不到足够的钱。




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