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词汇 shivering
例句 He was shivering and blue from the cold.他瑟瑟发抖,冻得发紫。She was shivering and soaked with sweat.她在颤抖,浑身被汗水浸湿了。Jake stood shivering in the cold air.大冷天杰克站着冻得直发抖。My heart went out to all those poor little children standing shivering in the cold.我非常同情那些站在严寒中颤栗的可怜的小孩子。It was so cold that I was shivering.天太冷了,我浑身哆嗦。I was shivering in my thin sleeping bag.我在薄薄的睡袋里冷得直打哆嗦。!They were forced to wait outside for hours, shivering with cold.他们被迫在门外等了几个小时,冷得直发抖。She rubbed her arms, shivering.她颤抖着揉搓双臂。You're shivering fit to die, Gracie.你抖得很厉害,格雷西。You're shivering! Do you want to go indoors?你身子在发抖!要不要进屋去?The child lay there for three days, alternately sweating and shivering.那孩子躺在那里三天,时而出汗,时而发抖。We stood shivering in the icy wind.我们站在刺骨的寒风中,浑身直哆嗦。They were both shivering slightly from the frosty air.空气凛冽,他们都有点哆嗦。The poor dog - it's shivering!可怜的狗——它在发抖!She started shivering like mad.她开始剧烈地颤抖起来。Alex stood shivering in the cold, damp air.空气又冷又湿,亚历克斯站着冷得发抖。She was shivering, her arms and legs covered in goosepimples.她在发抖,手臂和腿上都起了鸡皮疙瘩。I was shivering with cold.我冷得直打战。The man was shivering with fatigue.这个男人累得浑身发抖。I stood there shivering in the cold.我站在那儿冻得直发抖。She stood shivering in her threadbare dress.她站着,身着破旧的衣服簌簌发抖。The hours dragged by in fear and shivering.时间在恐惧和颤抖中缓慢地挨过去。She was shivering in her thin cotton dress.她穿着薄棉布裙子,冻得浑身发抖。As the temperature dropped abruptly, the campers were shivering all over with cold.由于气温骤降,野营者冷得浑身发抖。She was shivering with cold. 她冻得直发抖。She was shivering with fear/excitement.她吓得/兴奋得浑身颤抖。We sat shivering under a blanket.我们盖了块毛毯坐着直哆嗦。I was sitting on the floor shivering with fear.我坐在地板上,吓得发抖。




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