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词汇 fell on
例句 A woman fell on to the tracks.一名女子摔倒在铁轨上。I slipped and fell on my rump.我滑了一下,一屁股坐在了地上。He fell on the idea while looking through a magazine.他在翻阅一本杂志的时候不期然出现了这个想法。They fell on the sandwiches with alacrity.他们快活地扑向三明治。The lion's share of the responsibility for getting things done fell on my shoulders.把事情干完的大部分责任落在我的肩上。As rioting continued, Mayor Warren appealed for calm, but his words fell on deaf ears.暴乱持续,沃伦市长要求大家镇静下来,可他的话未受理睬。The spotlight fell on the actress.聚光灯照到那位女演员身上。The patient fell on trembling.病人开始发抖起来。His glance fell on a pile of papers at one side of the desk.他的目光落在桌子一边的一摞文件上。The sheets fell on the gritty floor, and she just let them lie.床单掉到满是沙砾的地板上,她都没去捡。Their appeals to release the hostages fell on deaf ears.他们释放人质的要求未被理睬。I twisted the gooseneck lamp around so that the light fell on the pages.我把鹅颈管台灯扭转来,使光照在书页上。I fell on the gravel, severely grazing my knee.我摔倒在砾石路上,膝盖擦伤得很厉害。He fell on the floor with a thud.他砰的一声摔倒在地板上。The first punch fell on his nose.第一拳落在他的鼻子上。Some of the older boys fell on him and broke his glasses.一些大一点的男孩子突然向他袭来,打碎了他的眼镜。He slipped and fell on an airplane gangway as the cameras rolled.在摄像时他不慎滑倒在飞机座位间的通道上。He fell on his tush.他摔了个屁蹲儿。His eyes fell on a note in her handwriting.他的目光落在了她写的一个批注上。Her wrist fractured when she fell on the ice.她在冰面上滑倒,手腕骨折了。He tripped and fell on his behind.他绊了一跤,一屁股摔在地上。A lot of suspicion fell on her.众多疑点落在了她的身上。She slipped and fell on her bottom.她摔了一跤,一屁股坐到了地上。Darkness fell on the town and the streetlights came on one by one.夜幕降临了,镇上的路灯一盏一盏地亮了起来。They fell on the bread as if they hadn't eaten for days.他们扑向面包大吃起来,就好像好多天没吃过东西似的。The boy fell on hard ground and broke his leg.这个男孩摔倒在硬地上,把腿给弄断了。The sun sank and darkness fell on the island.太阳落下了,黑暗笼罩了那座岛。His bike fell on top of him.自行车压在他身上。The first nip of winter fell on London.冬天的初寒侵袭伦敦。The old lady crumpled and fell on the street.那个老妇人倒在街上。He escaped death by inches when a tree fell on his tent.一棵树倒在他的帐篷上,他险些被砸死。They fell on the enemy vigorously.他们猛烈地向敌人扑去。I peeled off my clothes and fell on the bed.我脱掉衣服,倒在床上。She had a skid running around the corner and fell on the wet floor.她跑过拐角时滑了一下,摔倒在潮湿的地板上。Mom fell on the ice and bruised the side of her leg.妈妈在冰上滑倒,碰伤了腿的一侧。She fell on her knees to grab at the money.她跪倒在地去抓那些钱。As he was passing,his eye fell on a ring lying in the grass.在他走路时,他发现草丛中有一枚戒指。In the morning I got as far as the sofa and fell on to it.早晨,我只走到沙发那儿,就一下子倒在上面。Bombs fell on the streets, destroying neighbouring homes, but leaving the school intact.炸弹落到街上,炸毁了附近的住房,但学校完好无损。Our complaints fell on deaf ears.我们的抱怨被置若罔闻。




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