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词汇 feel of
例句 I love the squeaky-clean feel of my hair after I've washed it.我喜欢洗完头发后干干净净的感觉。Although the table is brand-new, it has the look and feel of an antique.虽然那张桌子是崭新的,却有着古董家具的外观和特质。You can get the feel of a compact car in no time.你很快就能把小型车摸清楚。Ben was enjoying the feel of the breeze in his hair.本喜欢微风吹拂头发的感觉。A mother recognizes the feel of her child's skin when blindfolded. Similarly, she can instantly identify her baby's cry.即便是蒙上眼睛母亲也能摸出自己孩子的肌肤。同样,她也能立即听出自己孩子的哭声。He was enjoying the feel of the sun on his back.他享受着阳光照在后背上的感觉,十分惬意。He loved the feel of her soft hair against his skin.他喜欢她那柔滑的头发贴着他的肌肤的感觉。We walked around to get the feel of the town. 我们到处转了转,了解一下这个小镇。The Brazilian Amazon has the feel of a tropical wild west.巴西亚马孙河流域有一种热带西部荒野的感觉。He wanted to get the feel of the place.他想熟悉一下这个地方。You might consider renting a house there for an extended period to get the feel of the area.你可以考虑在那里长期租房,感受一下那个地区。Once you get the feel of it, using a mouse is easy.你一旦学会了,用鼠标是很容易的。A mother recognises the feel of her child's skin when blindfolded. Similarly, she can instantly identify her baby's cry.即便是蒙上眼睛母亲也能摸出自己孩子的肌肤。同样地,母亲也能立即听出自己孩子的哭声。It took me a few days just to get the feel of things and the people.光是熟悉环境和人员就花了我好几天时间。Try to get the feel of how your interview is going.要尽量掌握面谈的进展情况。They had a feel of the old leather. 他们摸了一下那张旧皮革。This fabric has the look and feel of velvet.这织物具有丝绒的外表和手感。She luxuriated in the sensuous feel of the silk sheets.她尽情地享受着丝绸床单所带来的愉悦感。The film has the feel of a man curiously disengaged from his material.这部电影给人一种创作者与他的素材反常地保持疏离的感觉。He remembered the feel of her skin.他记得触摸她的皮肤的感觉。The material simulates the look and feel of real fur.这种材料模拟了真皮的外观和触感。There was nothing Lucy liked more than the feel of fur against her skin.露西最喜欢动物的软毛贴着皮肤的感觉。The number of teardowns has an impact on the look and feel of a place.待拆房屋的数量影响着一个地方的容貌和给人的感觉。I can tell he is quite ill by the feel of his forehead.一摸他的前额,我就知道他病得不轻。We can help you to customize the look and feel of the interface for your particular business.我们可以帮你定制符合你商业活动的外观和感觉。She enjoyed the feel of grass beneath her feet.她喜欢踩在草上的感觉。There is a feel of winter.有一种冬天的感觉。He liked the feel of the sun on his face.他喜欢阳光照在脸上的感觉。Hank loved the feel of the bracing sea air against his face.汉克喜欢清爽的海风拂面的感觉。The film has the feel of a man who is curiously disengaged from his material.这部电影给人一种创作者与他的素材反常地保持疏离的感觉。The solid feel of the car's shell is impressive.这辆汽车的外壳给人的感觉异常坚固。I love the feel of this jacket.我喜欢这件短上衣的手感。That's a nasty bump you've got on your head. Let me have a feel of it.你头上起了一个大包。让我来摸一下。She loved the feel of silk against her skin.她喜欢丝绸贴着皮肤的感觉。The movie gave us a feel of what it was really like during the war.这部影片使我们感受到战争期间的真实情况。I like the feel of this cloth.我喜欢这块布料的手感。




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