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词汇 政治
例句 The paper discussed, inter alia, political, economic, and social issues.除了其他方面之外,这篇论文还讨论了政治、经济和社会问题。The country is shifting towards political pluralism.这个国家正在朝着政治多元化的方向发展。He studied politics and philosophy.他学过政治和哲学。We are working to bring about closer political integration in the EU.我们正致力于实现欧盟内部更加紧密的政治一体化。What are your political views? = What are your views on/about politics?你对政治持什么观点?He was also remarkable for the proselytizing zeal with which he wrote his political pamphlets.他也非常热衷于改变他人的信仰,凭着这种热情他写了许多政治小册子。They worshipped political and social success.他们崇拜政治和社会成功。The political dimensions of the incident are clear.该事件的政治前因后果显而易见。Politics is a dirty business.政治是一种卑鄙骗人的勾当。Social Security is the third rail of American politics.社会保障是美国政治中的烫手山芋。Much television news gives a negative portrayal of politics.许多电视新闻对政治作出了负面的描绘。His political standing has now hit bottom.他的政治地位已降至最低点。The Prime Minister's political position is becoming increasingly shaky.首相的政治地位正变得越来越不稳固。You can expect political analysts to pick apart the governor's speech.你看吧,政治分析家们会猛烈抨击这位州长的演说的。It would be political suicide to abstain.弃权无异于政治自杀。He certainly was not politically inactive.他无疑是热衷政治的。This could be the beginning of a new era in transatlantic politics.这可以算是大西洋两岸政治新时期的开始。I don't find politics very interesting.我觉得政治没多大意思。The University runs a course in American politics and government.大学开设了一门有关美国政治和政府的课程。German politics surprised and confused him.德国政治既令他惊讶,又让他困惑不解。He hopes to inaugurate a new, more democratic era in the country's politics.他希望为这个国家的政治开创一个全新的、更民主的时代。Political trials were being used to keep prominent activists out of circulation.当时用了政治审判使一些著名活动家从公众视线中消失。He's a hardliner opposed to any political settlement.他立场坚定,反对任何政治妥协。The movie is a political/social satire.这部电影是对政治/社会的讽刺。Most famous political quotes are plagiarisms and this was no exception.大多数有名的政治语录都是剽窃品,这个也不例外。I wish he wouldn't keep banging on about politics.我希望他不要一直哇啦哇啦地讲政治He was a major influence in converting Godwin to political radicalism.戈德温变成政治激进主义者主要是受他的影响。We should play an active role in politics.我们应该在政治中发挥积极作用。Her boyfriend was a political science major at Berkeley.她男朋友是伯克利大学政治专业的学生。The royal family has an inherently political role.王室的政治角色是与生俱来的。National politics are just local politics writ large.国家政治只不过是扩大了的地方政治Politics is the stuff I live and breathe.政治是我所热衷的事。He has only a mild interest in politics.他对政治兴趣不大。He stated that politics played no part in his decision.他表示政治因素并没有影响到他的决定。Politics and sport don't mix.政治与体育不可混为一谈。He's never been especially politically conscious.他从未特别关注过政治Their political opponents will be rubbing their hands with glee.他们的政治对手会幸灾乐祸地摩拳擦掌。She's a creature of politics.她是政治的产物。The Senator went home from the capital to do some fence-mending.那位参议员从首都回到家乡,进行一些巩固政治地位的活动。Sooner or later he'll tire of politics.迟早他会厌倦政治的。




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