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I have to go to the dentist tomorrow and I'm absolutely dreading it!明天我必须去看牙医,我真的非常害怕 !You are going to have to take a certain amount of criticism, but you must cope with it.你肯定会遭到一些批评,但你必须去面对。You must go to the doctor if the pain returns.如果疼痛再次发作,你必须去看医生。I need to go to the bank this morning.我今天上午必须去银行。I couldn't go shopping yesterday so I'll have to go today.我昨天没能去买东西,所以今天我必须去。I must go and get that book.我必须去拿那本书。I had to go to church, so I grew up singing gospel.因为我必须去教堂,所以我是唱着福音歌曲长大的。Passengers leaving the ship at Alexandria should proceed to the immigration office.在亚历山大下船的旅客必须去移民局接受检查。I didn't say that you had to go - I merely suggested that you might want to go.我不是说你必须去,我只是说你也许会想去。He felt that he had to do it.他觉得他必须去做。He says he won't go, but I say he shall.他说他不去,但我说他必须去。Personal, subjective criteria, dependent solely on individual prejudice, had to be eliminated.必须去除完全取决于个人偏见的个人主观标准。He must attend a sex offenders' programme.他必须去听为帮助性罪犯而开设的课程。 |