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词汇 fattening
例句 Chocolate is fattening.巧克力会使人发胖。Have some more cake! You need fattening up a bit.再吃些蛋糕!你要长胖些。Chinese food isn't fattening, so that won't ruin your diet.中餐不会让人发胖,所以不会破坏你的减肥计划。Some foods are more fattening than others.有些食物比其他食物更容易使人发胖。Grill the fish instead of frying it. It's less fattening that way.把鱼烤来吃,不要油炸。那样就不容易发胖。Humans are hardwired to love fattening foods.人会本能地喜欢那些令人发胖的食物。Fats are the most fattening foods of all.脂肪是最能使人发胖的食物。He could do with fattening up.他会处理育肥事宜。I shouldn't have any more of this cake. It's way too fattening.我决不能再吃那种蛋糕了,吃这很容易长胖。Sauces made with cream are very fattening. 奶油制成的酱很容易使人发胖。I'm trying to avoid fattening foods.我正尽量避免吃容易发胖的食物。Soya is excellent for fattening pigs.用大豆给猪增膘是极好的。Avoid fattening foods and take more exercise.要少吃使人发胖的食物,多锻炼。




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