例句 |
Lent is a time of cleansing, fasting, abstinence and giving to the poor.四旬斋期间是净化心灵、禁食并布施穷苦人的时候。A set period of fasting is supposed to bring us closer to godliness.据说定期斋戒会让我们更虔诚。Traditionally these days were set apart for prayer and fasting.传统上,这几天是专门用于祷告和斋戒的。The Koran recommends fasting as a penance before pilgrimages.《古兰经》劝告人们在朝圣前斋戒,以作为一种补赎。Lions alternate heavy gorges with periods of fasting.狮子每饱餐一顿后总有一段时间不吃东西。Your body draws on its reserves of fat during the times when you are fasting.禁食的时候,身体会动用储存的脂肪。 |