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His lawyers will argue that he was set up as a/the fall guy for crimes he had no part in.他的律师将辩称,他成了那些与他毫无关联的罪行中的替罪羊。Journalists asked if the Secretary of State was going be the fall guy for the President's secret arms deal.记者询问国务卿是否会为总统的秘密武器交易做替罪羊。Benson made it clear he does not intend to be the fall guy.本森清楚地表示他不打算当替死鬼。The governor was looking for a fall guy to take the blame for the corruption scandal.州长要找替罪羊为贪污丑闻承担责任。He claims he was made the fall guy for the affair.他声称自己是这起事件的替罪羊。The police arrested a fall guy. The real crooks are still free.警察逮到一个替死鬼。真正的歹徒仍逍遥法外。Browne claims that the company was simply looking for a fall guy.布朗称公司只是在找个替死鬼。He was a very unpleasant person-he would always use his friend Peter as the fall guy if things went wrong.他这人很可恶,出了岔子总是拿他的朋友彼得当替罪羊。 |