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At least give our ideas a fair hearing before you reject them.至少应该听一听我们的想法,然后再拒绝。Weber gave a fair hearing to anyone who held a different opinion.韦伯让持不同意见的人都能有机会发表意见。All I'm asking is a fair hearing for my ideas.我只要求能有一个说明我的想法的公平机会。The teacher gave both sides of the argument a fair hearing.老师公正地听了争论双方的申诉。I can guarantee he will get a prompt and fair hearing.我可以保证他会得到及时、公正的审讯。She said that she had had a very fair hearing from the disciplinary tribunal.她说纪律法庭给了自己一次非常公平的申诉机会。They agreed to give both sides a fair hearing. 他们同意公平地受理双方的申诉。 |