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词汇 生动
例句 Burn's novel, vividly and economically written, is a sombre reflection on fame and its cost.伯恩的小说描写生动,语言简练,对成名以及为此付出的代价进行了深刻剖析。He enlivened his speech with a few jokes.他说了几个笑话,使讲话更加生动The photos vividly capture the war's barbarity.这些照片生动地记录了战争的残暴。The book is well written, properly illustrated and excellently captioned.这本书写得很好,插图生动形象,说明文字简练精辟。The BBC yesterday defended a series featuring dramatic crime reconstructions against suggestions of voyeurism.英国广播公司昨日为一部生动再现犯罪活动的电视剧进行了辩护,称其并无窥探隐私之嫌。He gave a very vivid and often shocking account/description of his time in prison.生动地讲述/描述了他的狱中生活,他说的常让人觉得很震惊。The book gives a vivid account of the author's journey through northern Africa.该书生动地描述了作者的北非之旅。As he talked about her, his face became animated.他谈到她时,脸上的表情就生动起来。This book gives a good picture of life in China today.这本书生动地描述了当代中国的生活情况。Any teacher worth his salt should know how to make his lessons interesting and rewarding.任何一个称职的教师都应该知道如何把课上得既生动又有益处。The interviews present a remarkable snapshot of Britain in these dark days of recession.这些访谈生动地展现了英国在黑暗的萧条时期的概貌。She made history come alive with tales from her own memories.通过讲述自己记忆中的故事,她把逝去的岁月变得生动起来。He paints a vivid picture of what it was like to be a teenager in Glasgow at that time.生动地描述了那个时期格拉斯哥青少年的生活。The biographer provides a telling anecdote about the President's actions at this time.此时传记作者讲了一件有关总统活动的生动趣事,给人印象十分深刻。The book pictured the world of the future.这本书生动地描写了未来世界。She made history come alive with her stories.她通过讲故事让历史变得生动起来。The book offers a lively account of her travels.书中生动地描绘了她的旅行见闻。Shaffer's great gift lies in his ability to animate ideas theatrically.谢弗了不起的才能在于他能够把一些想法通过戏剧生动地表现出来。His photographs show vividly the lives of poverty-stricken families in the Gorbals area of Glasgow.他的照片生动地表现了格拉斯哥的戈贝尔地区贫困家庭的生活。The story is juiced up by adding some battle scenes.增加了一些战争情节,使故事更加生动了。His success serves as an eloquent reminder of the value of hard work.他的成功生动地表明了努力工作的价值。The incident graphically illustrates how parlous their position is.这一事件生动地证明了他们目前的地位多么岌岌可危。Every scene of his boyhood was used to adorn a moral tale.他童年时代的每一个情景都被用来使一个富有道德教益的故事更加生动The book gives a vivid picture of life in modern Japan.这本书生动地描绘了现代日本的生活。The slow movement is wonderfully moody and rhapsodic.舒缓的乐章生动地表现了沉郁而强烈的感情。Rose's stories weren't bad; she had a nice turn of phrase.罗斯的故事写得不错,她的语言表达形象生动His asides lent colour to the story.他即兴插入的话使故事生动了许多。The actor powerfully conveys the novelist's intense privateness.男演员将这名小说家的内敛孤僻表现得生动传神。I loved listening to his vivid descriptions of life in Italy.我喜欢听他对于在意大利生活的生动讲述。The scenic spot is still vividly present to our senses.风景胜地仍然生动地浮现在我们的感觉之中His novel is a vivid portrayal of life in a mining community.他的小说生动地描绘了矿区的生活。These events are a graphic illustration of the fact that their promises cannot be trusted.这些事件形象生动地说明一个事实 : 他们的承诺不可信。How quickly civil liberties can be eroded is graphically illustrated by our front-page story.我们的头版新闻报道生动地阐明了公民自由是多么容易受到侵害。He gave a colorful account of life in Samoa.生动地叙述了萨摩亚群岛上的生活。He gave a vivid description of the scene.生动地描述了那个场面。The audience liked the romance and colour of the play.观众喜爱这部剧的浪漫多彩与生动鲜活。Almost any sentence becomes more lively with active verbs and a personal subject.任何句子一经使用主动语态动词和人称主语,便会显得更加生动The book paints a picture of a divided government.这本书生动地刻画出了一个分裂的政府。Touches of humor lightened the lecture.几分幽默使演讲变得生动了。Many viewers were shocked when the TV news aired graphic footage of the war.当电视新闻播出一组战争的生动镜头时,许多观众都震惊了。




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