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例句 She ran at him and scratched his face.她冲过去抓他的脸。Her finger nails raked my face.她的手指甲刮了我的脸。If convicted, the men face heavy fines.如被定罪的话,这些人将面临巨额罚金。Father's face was flushed, and his eyes bulged out.父亲满脸通红,双眼凸出。Can't you see this could blow up in your face?你难道看不出这事会砸锅?The government wilted in the face of such powerful pressure.政府面对如此大的压力,失去了信心。The expression on his face revealed how he felt.他脸上的表情反映出他的感受。He and two friends were climbing a rock face when they heard cries for help.他和两个朋友正在攀岩时突然听到了求救声。Mrs Newman was small and slightly plump, with a round face.纽曼夫人个子小小,身材微胖,脸颊圆圆。So incensed did I become at this that I slammed the door in his face.我对此如此愤怒,以致当着他的面砰地摔上门。They saw his face was white and sweating.他们看到他脸色苍白,并且出著汗。His ambition slowly petered out in face of opposition.在一片反对声中他的雄心逐渐泯灭。This rejuvenated economy will turn its face to the people.复苏的经济将对人民产生影响。I don't know how Sarah can show her face around here after what she did.我真不明白,萨拉在干出那种事后,怎么还会在这里抛头露面。Whenever thoughts of his baby daughter enter his mind a smile appears on Jeremy's face.无论何时想起他的小女儿,杰里米的脸上都会出现笑容。Sue looks much healthier now and her face has started to fill out.休现在看上去健康多了,脸上也开始长肉了。He'll have to face the consequences of his decision.他将不得不面对自己的决定带来的后果。She had turned the bedside chair to face the door.她把床头椅转向正对门的方向。Sam had a cut across one cheek, which made his unpleasant face more lowering than usual.山姆一边面颊上横著一道伤口,这使得他本来就不好看的脸比平常更显得皱眉皱眼的。Jock's face had been suddenly drained of all colours.乔克忽然面色惨白。Many people feel powerless in the face of violence.很多人在面对暴力时感到无可奈何。It's nice to see a familiar face - I was afraid I wouldn't know anyone here.见到熟人真好,我原来还担心在这儿一个人都不认识呢。He could face a military tribunal.他可能要面临军事法庭的审判。He had a goofy smile plastered across his face.他脸上堆着傻笑。She had a reminiscent look on her face as she gazed at him.她凝视着他时,脸上流露出追忆往事的神情。Ellen's face wrinkles as if she is about to sneeze.艾伦的脸皱了起来,好像要打喷嚏。She had a peculiar expression on her face.她脸上表情怪异。Her face glowed with a sweaty sheen.她脸上的汗水闪着光。The face is entirely devoid of expression.脸上完全没有表情。There was no expression on her face.她脸上毫无表情。His face was only a few inches from her own.他的脸离她自己的脸才几英寸的距离。I saw old what's his face in school yesterday.我昨天在学校里见到了那个老什么来着。The Government will face a backlash from unions.政府将面对来自工会的强烈反对。She turned her angry face towards him.她转过来看着他,满脸怒容。Then suspicion clouded his face.他脸上随即起了疑云。Sweat poured down his face.他脸上汗流如注。I decided I must face up to the truth.我决心面对事实。There's something about that guy's face that just cracks me up.那家伙的脸上有什么地方让我直想哈哈大笑。He came home with a hangdog expression/look on his face.他面带忧愁地回到家。She pored on the child's lovely face.她凝视着孩子可爱的脸蛋。




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