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词汇 shootings
例句 There have been a number of shootings in the capital this week.本周首都发生了几起枪击事件。Police believe the shootings may have been the work of a jealous boyfriend.警方相信这起枪击事件可能是一个妒忌的男友所为。Police believe the shootings are gang-related.警方认为这些枪杀事件与犯罪团伙有关。There has been an increase in the number of nonfatal shootings in the city.这座城市的非致命枪击事件有所增加。In the aftermath of the shootings, there were calls for a ban on guns.枪击事件的结果是出现了许多禁止枪支的呼吁。The shootings rallied protesters who say the city neglects poorer neighborhoods.多起枪杀事件促使人们集合起来,抗议市政府忽视贫困街区。The rash of accidental shootings underscores how difficult it will be to restore order here.一连串的意外枪击事件凸显了恢复该地区的秩序有多困难。There has been an alarming increase in the number of shootings on our streets.我们街头的枪击事件在以惊人的速度增加。The weapons are undergoing ballistics tests to see whether they were used in the shootings.这些武器正在接受弹道测试,以确定它们是否曾用于枪击案中。A drug-related gang war led to a series of shootings in the city.一起与毒品有关的帮派火并引发了该市一连串的枪击事件。




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