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词汇 shoot
例句 This is no giggle, I will shoot you.我会向你开枪,这可不是开玩笑。He wouldn't scruple to shoot you dead if you got in his way.如果你妨碍他,他会毫无顾忌地开枪打死你。I'll shoot you if you move a muscle.你动一动我就打死你!He pointed an imaginary gun at me and pretended to shoot.他用手指做假想枪指着我并假装开枪射击。I saw Leonforte shoot him down like a dog in the street.我看见利昂福特在大街上把他击毙,就像打死一只狗一样。The soldiers were bidden to shoot.士兵得到射击的命令。I saw a spray of white water shoot up into the sky and knew that there were whales nearby.我看见白色的水花喷向空中,于是知道附近有鲸鱼。She is currently on a movie shoot in London.她目前在伦敦拍电影。The magazine used only two of the pictures from the photo shoot.杂志只刊用了专业摄影中的两张照片。You can't really play hockey if you don't have a goal to shoot at.没有球门,就玩不了冰球。They went on a duck shoot. 他们去猎鸭子了。Let's shoot some pool.咱们去打会儿台球吧。Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back.玫瑰丛修剪后又会抽新芽长新枝。The editor looked through the file, picking the best models out for the fashion shoot.编辑浏览了整个档案,为时装广告拍摄挑选出最好的模特儿。John liked him because he was a nervy guy and would go out and shoot anybody who John wanted him to shoot.约翰喜欢他,因为他胆大,约翰想干掉谁他就会出门去一枪把那人干掉。She tends to shoot her mouth off.她老是口无遮拦。Where did you shoot this photo?你在哪儿拍的这张照片?He'd love to shoot his film in Cuba.他很乐意在古巴拍摄他的影片。The band are in Iceland doing a video shoot.该乐队正在冰岛拍摄录像。He has a licence to shoot pheasants on the farmer's land.他有许可证,可以在农地里打野鸡。All you have to do is point the camera and shoot.你所要做的只是将照相机对准然后进行拍摄。Her desire for vengeance led her to shoot her daughter's murderer.她强烈的复仇愿望导致她枪杀了杀害她女儿的人。A federal marshal was killed in a shoot-out.一名联邦司法区执法官在枪战中身亡。If you don't hand it over I'll shoot!要是你不把它交出来,我就开枪了!He taught Mary how to shoot a gun.他教玛丽如何射击。Those of you looking for adventure can shoot the rapids.你们中想要冒险的人可以穿过急流。I was afraid they were going to shoot us.我担心他们会开枪打我们。The auditors used to come in and do nothing but shoot the breeze for forty minutes.查帐队员一来,往往啥事也不干,先吹上四十分钟的牛。No one dared shoot for fear of hitting Pete.没人敢开枪,怕伤着皮特。The soldiers lined us up against a wall and I thought they were going to shoot us.士兵们让我们靠墙排成一排,我以为他们要向我们开枪了。They dolled her up for the photo shoot.为了拍摄宣传照,他们特意将她打扮了一番。The Danes won that UEFA tie in a shoot-out.丹麦人在点球大战中胜出,赢下了那场欧洲杯淘汰赛。He would rather shoot himself than compromise his principles.他宁愿一枪打死自己也不愿违背自己的原则。The Defence Minister had ordered troops to shoot to kill if attacked.国防部长曾经下令军队,遭遇袭击时可以开枪杀人。If you move, I'll shoot.你动一下我就开枪。Ursula had refused to marry Attila the Hun, who thereupon ordered one of his archers to shoot her.乌尔苏拉拒绝嫁给匈奴王阿提拉,于是阿提拉命弓弩手将她射杀。Don't shoot. I surrender.别开枪,我投降。Mortimer continued to shoot, a manic grin on his face.莫蒂默继续射击,脸上带着狰狞的笑。He took too long to shoot and lost possession of the puck.他带球时间过长,没等射门就失去了对球的控制。You shan't stir a step, or I'll shoot.你一步也不许动,要不我就开枪了。




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