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词汇 eyed
例句 Three cannabis plants were found by eagle-eyed police officers.目光敏锐的警官发现了三株大麻。Johnson stared goggle-eyed at Kravis' sumptuous quarters.约翰逊目瞪口呆地望着克拉维斯的豪宅。He eyed the two CIA men suspiciously.他怀疑地看着这两个中情局探员。He gets misty-eyed whenever he hears that song.每当他听到那首歌时,总会泪眼模糊。He was the media's blue-eyed boy.他是媒体的宠儿。Steve emerged from his room, unshaven and bleary-eyed.史蒂夫从他卧室里出来,胡子拉碴,睡眼惺忪。A sharp-eyed reader will notice the book's repeating themes.敏锐的读者会注意到书中重复的主题。He was hollow-eyed and seemed very close to exhaustion.他眼眶深陷,看起来几乎要精疲力竭了。Several people looked at him askance when he walked into the room. = Several people eyed him askance when he walked into the room.当他走进房间时,有几个人轻蔑地看着他。The process was eyed with eagle attention.人们用鹰一般锐利的目光注视着这进程。With his blond, blue-eyed athletic looks, he typifies the all-American boy next door.他有着典型的美国邻家男孩的形象:金发碧眼和运动型身材。She was too starry-eyed about her future.她对未来的设想太不切实际。A sharp-eyed shop assistant spotted the fake.一个眼尖的售货员发现了假货。The large-eyed children gathered around the ice cream salesman.睁大眼睛的孩子们围在冰淇淋小贩的身边。He was long-limbed and dark-eyed.他四肢修长,眼睛浅黑。She was dry-eyed during the funeral but cried all the way home afterwards.她在葬礼上没有落泪,之后却一路哭回家。He gave her a cross-eyed look.他斜眼看了她一眼。The bright-eyed bliss perished.虚幻的幸福破灭了。Hawk-eyed store detectives stood by the doors.目光锐利的店探站在门旁。He always leaps out of bed bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.他起床时总是精力十足。He eyed her cautiously, trying to gauge her reaction.他谨慎地打量着她,估摸着她的反应。I got a little teary-eyed at the end of the movie. 电影快结束时我眼睛有点儿湿润了。A sharp-eyed secretary noticed the mistake just in time.一个眼尖的秘书及时地发现了错误。He stood there wide-eyed at the appalling scene.他站在那里睁大双眼看着那令人震惊的场面。He got out of bed all bleary-eyed.他睡眼惺松地下了床。She gave us a bright-eyed, hopeful look.她奕奕有神地看了我们一眼,给人以希望。She said goodbye to her teary-eyed mother.她和两眼含泪的母亲道别。The bleary-eyed engineers were still hard at work when everyone else arrived the next day.当其他人第二天到来时,那些睡眼惺忪的工程师仍在奋力工作。He was wide-eyed with astonishment.他吃惊地睁大了眼睛。One eagle-eyed passerby noticed that the window was slightly open.一位观察敏锐的过路人注意到窗户是微微开着的。He gets misty-eyed when he talks about that time.每当提到那段时期,他就眼泪汪汪的。The film is an open-eyed look at the costs of war.这部电影是对战争代价的清晰坦率的解读。They eyed the food suspiciously.他们不放心地审视着那些食物。He eyed the greasy food with disgust.他看着油腻的食物,感到恶心。They seem to be prepared to throw billions at all sorts of wild-eyed schemes.他们似乎准备好了要为各种不切实际的计划烧掉几十个亿。They eyed her with disapproval.他们以非难的目光看看她。She was wide-eyed in amazement.她吃惊得睁大了双眼。Desmond eyed her anguished face with sympathy.德斯蒙德同情地看着她痛苦的脸。He was a picture of wide-eyed innocence.他瞪大眼睛,一幅不谙世事的样子。The children eyed the cakes greedily.孩子们贪婪地盯着蛋糕。




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