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词汇 a straight
例句 The election is going to be a straight fight between Labour and the Conservatives.这场选举将会是工党和保守党之间一对一的竞选。The election is now a straight fight between Labour and the Conservatives.现在,大选成了工党和保守党之间的直接交锋。I expect a straight answer to a straight question.我希望问得直率,答得也坦诚。The feather must be removed with a straight, firm pull.拔羽毛必须干净利落。The tournament is a straight knockout.这次锦标赛是直接淘汰赛。They couldn't keep a straight face.他们没法不笑出来。This was a straight conflict of directly opposed aims.这是完全对立的目标之间的正面冲突。He's a straight shooter who says what he thinks.他是个老实人,想什么就说什么。Barbara tried to keep a straight face, but in the end she just couldn't help laughing.芭芭拉想板起脸,可最后还是忍不住笑了。You have to wonder how anyone could say that seriously and with a straight face.你一定会惊奇怎么会有人能绷着脸、一本正经地说出那些话。The batter struck out on a straight change.一个直线变化球使击球手三击未中出局。In a straight fight the army usually won.在面对面的硬拼中,陆军通常会赢。Each has several times beaten the other in a straight fight.双方都曾在单打比赛中击败过对方几次。She lied with a straight face.她说谎的时候一脸正经。Use your ruler to draw a straight line.用尺画一条直线。The commission played a straight bat last night.委员会昨天晚上的行为非常公正。It's a straight choice - either you leave him or you stay.你的选择很简单——要么离开他,要么留下。I don't know how I kept a straight face.我不知道自己当时怎么会那样一本正经。It's not a straight historical novel.它不是纯粹的历史小说。He had a longish, plain face with a straight nose and almost no hair.他长着一张普普通通的长脸,鼻子直直的,头上几乎没有什么头发了。What a shifty arguer he is, refusing ever to give a straight answer.他真是个狡诈的辩论家,总是拒绝给出直截了当的回答。Heavy weights should be lifted with a straight back.提重物时背要挺直。It is not a straight line of reasoning leading to a clear answer.这不是一条通向明确答案的逻辑推理思路。Draw a straight line joining these two points.画一条直线连接这两点。She said with a straight face she saw green spacemen in the back yard.她面无表情地说她在后院看到绿色外星人。Light always travels in a straight line.光总是直线运动。Everyone knew that Hubert was as straight as a die.大家都知道休伯特绝对诚实。She tried to keep a straight face but, unable to contain herself, burst into laughter.她努力要板起脸来,可是没有忍住,爆发出了一阵大笑。Marty of New York describes herself as a straight female.纽约的马蒂称自己不是女同性恋者。Let's do a straight swap-your guitar for my bike.咱们直接交换吧,你的吉他换我的自行车。I do believe in playing a straight bat with information.我由衷地认为对信息不能弄虚作假。This will be a straight fight between the two parties.这将是这两个政党之间一对一的竞争。You can't march in a straight line to the victory; you fluctuate to it.你不可能一帆风顺地走向胜利,而要经过许多波折才能达到。The illustration shows two interlocking circles joined through their centres by a straight line.该图显示了被一条直线从中心穿过而相互连接起来的两个圆。Arrows would continue to fly forward forever in a straight line were it not for gravity, which brings them down to earth.要不是重力使箭落向地面,它们将永远以直线往前飞行。She ran a straight line underneath the sentence which she thought important.她在她认为重要的句子下面画上一条直线。Just give me a straight yes or no.直接回答我是或不是。She's as straight as a die, I can trust her to tell me what she's really thinking.她非常坦诚,我相信她会告诉我她的真实想法。He delivered a straight right at his opponent's head.他用右手全力打在他对手的头上。I'll have a straight vodka please.请给我来一杯纯伏特加。




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