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词汇 astray
例句 She is astray in the head, worrying about her son.她为儿子急得神志不清。Trying to prettify the process of death can lead us seriously astray.设法美化死亡过程会将我们引上歧路。Parents complained that teachers were leading students astray by discussing contraception and abortion in the classroom.家长们投诉说老师在课堂上讨论避孕和堕胎是在把学生引入歧途。They're afraid their son will be led astray by the older boys.他们害怕儿子会跟着那些年纪较大的孩子学坏。Their plans have gone astray. 他们的计划已误入歧途。We drove east to Rostock, where my map led me astray.我们驱车向东去罗斯托克,但地图却给我指错了方向。The testimony would inflame the jurors, and lead them astray from the facts of the case.证言会激怒陪审员,使他们背离案件事实。That's a sure sign that something's gone astray.那个迹象明确表明有什么事出岔子了。The temptations of the big city soon led him astray.大城市里的种种诱惑很快把他引向邪路。Her calculations were astray.她的计算不正确。The President was led astray by his advisers.总统被他的顾问们误导了。The judge thought he'd been led astray by older children.法官认为他已经被那些年长的孩子们带坏了。They have led her astray.他们把她带坏了。Public opinion blames Mrs. Smith for leading the girl astray.舆论责怪史密斯夫人把那位姑娘引入歧途。We were led astray by an inaccurate map.我们被一张不正确的地图引入歧途。I should instruct my children and protect them from what can lead them astray.我应该教育我的孩子们,并保护他们以免被引入歧途。The best-laid plans can go astray.再周密的计划也可能出错。I must have gone astray somewhere in my calculations.我一定是在计算过程的哪一步中弄错了。The rocket went astray after liftoff.火箭升空后偏离了轨道。It is easy to be led astray.很容易被引入歧途。The boy went astray with his bad companions.这个男孩随坏伙伴们走上歧途。She was shunned by her former friends after she went astray.她偏离正道后,从前的朋友都回避她。Older students led him astray. 高年级学生把他带坏了。The letter had gone astray.信寄丢了。They marked the trail so hikers wouldn't go astray. 他们在小道上留下标记,这样徒步旅行者就不会迷路了。Maybe the letter has gone astray.那封信或许失落了。The attractions of the big city soon led him astray.大城市的诱惑很快把他引上邪路。Many items of mail being sent to her have gone astray.许多寄给她的邮件都不知所终。The letter went astray. 那封信寄丢了。It's easy to be led astray by the reports in the papers.人们易受报纸上的报道误导。He was led astray by an older woman.他被一位比他年长的女子带坏了。Don't worry, I won't lead you astray.不要担心,我不会让你做傻事的。We missed the track and went astray.我们走错了道,迷路了。




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