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词汇 amount to
例句 Add up that row of figures, and transfer the full amount to the top of the next page.把那行数字加起来,再把总数移入下一页的顶端。The agency invoices the client, who then pays the full amount to the agency.经销商给顾客开好发票,然后顾客向经销商全额付款。The protection that farmers have enjoyed amounts to a bias in favour of the countryside.农民所受的保护几乎变成了对乡村的偏袒。The deal amounts to something of a snub for the rival online music company.做这笔交易等于是有些冷落了对手的在线音乐公司。The court's decision amounts to a not guilty verdict.法庭的裁决等于是宣判无罪。His efforts didn't amount to much.他的努力没有获得重大结果。 Their request for better working conditions amounted to a criticism of the management.他们要求改善工作条件也就意味着是对管理层的批评。The net profit amounts to twenty dollars per ton of ore.每吨矿石的净利为二十美元。The bill amounted to $75.帐单的金额总数为七十五元。It doesn't matter whether she was happy to leave or not. It amounts to the same thing – she's gone.她走得开不开心无所谓,结果都一样 — 她已经走了。The banks have what amounts to a monopoly.银行具有相当于垄断的地位。Her standards amounted to perfection.她简直要求事事十全十美。His behaviour amounted to serious professional misconduct.他的行为相当于严重失职。He'll never amount to anything.他将来决不会有出息。For ordinary Italians, Sunday's news probably amounts to a mixed blessing.对普通的意大利人民来说,星期天的新闻可以说是悲喜交加。That practically amounts to a fraud.实际上等于是个骗局。He is so dense he'll never amount to anything.他十分愚钝,决不会有出息。The help that the government gives the industry amounts to an indirect subsidy.政府给予这项产业的支持无异于一笔间接补贴。Losses from stores through shoplifting and pilfering amounted to over a billion dollars last year.去年商店由于失窃所造成的损失超过了十亿美元。This amounts to manipulation of the media.这相当于操纵媒体。Painkillers are very useful in small amounts to bring your temperature down.小剂量的止痛药对于降低体温非常有用。You can round off the amounts to the nearest dollar.你可以把这些金额四舍五入调为美元整数。Keeping what belongs to another amounts to stealing.将他人之物占为己有等于偷窃。Her contributions don't amount to diddly. 她的贡献微不足道。His bank savings, with his wife's jewels, amount to three million dollars.他的银行存款加上他太太的首饰合计达三百万元。In Latin, two negatives in the same sentence always amounted to an affirmation.过去拉丁文中两个否定总是相当于肯定。He expects the total amount to be in the low hundreds.他预计总量会有小几百。What Evans did amounts to a betrayal of the trust placed in him by the company.埃文斯的所作所为辜负了公司对他的信任。Racist remarks by an employer to an employee can amount to unlawful discrimination.雇主对雇员的种族主义言论可以等同于非法歧视。The problems didn't amount to much. 问题没那么严重。We will always confirm the revised amount to you in writing before debiting your account.在将钱款记入您账户的借方之前,我们都会就账户金额的变动情况与您进行书面确认。The floods amounted to Britain's worst peacetime disaster in recent memory.在最近的记忆中,洪水算是英国和平时期最严重的灾难。They don't amount to a shoestring.它们不值什么钱。They claimed the offer was misleading and amounted to unconscionable conduct.他们声称这一提议具有误导性,实际就是昧着良心的行为。The confessions were obtained by what amounts to torture.这些供状是用近乎逼供的方式得来的。Box-office receipts amounted to over a million.票房收入超过了一百万。Anything less than total victory would amount to failure/failing. 若非完胜无异于失败。I don't think he'll ever amount to anything. 我认为他不会有什么成绩They all said the proposals were unworkable and amounted to censorship.他们都说提议不切实际而且近似于审查。It doesn't matter whether you do it first or last - it all amounts to the same thing.你最先做还是最后做这件事都无所谓——结果都一样。




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