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词汇 tossed
例句 She slipped out of the jacket and tossed it on the couch.她麻利地脱下夹克,扔在了沙发上。He tossed out of the room in anger.他愤怒之下一甩头离开了房间。Maurice tossed his head in jeering disdain.莫里斯轻蔑地把头一甩。He tossed up a coin to decide who would go first.他抛硬币决定谁第一个去。She's tossed out the bathroom scales!她扔掉了浴室磅秤!She tossed her long hair out of her eyes.她一甩长发,亮出眼睛。She tossed out a couple of ideas for improving the company's Web site.她提出了几个改进公司网站的点子。The sick man tossed and tumbled in his bed.那病人在床上辗转反侧。I was tossed on the scrapheap at a very early age.我在很小的时候就被抛弃了。The bodies were unceremoniously tossed into mass graves.那些尸体被粗暴地扔进了万人坑。Volcanic eruptions had tossed enough dust into the atmosphere to screen out sunlight.火山爆发将大量烟尘喷到大气中,遮住了阳光。The horse tossed its flowing mane behind it.马儿把飘垂的鬃毛甩到颈后。He tossed the discarded wrapping down the chute.他将丢弃的包装材料扔下垃圾槽。The children tossed the ball to each other.孩子们把球相互抛来抛去。The small boat was tossed about like a cork.小船被抛来抛去,像软木一样浮在水面上。Lots of ideas were tossed out during the discussion.讨论过程中大家抛出了很多想法。She tossed the paper at/into the recycling bin.她把纸扔向/扔进回收箱。The ship tossed on the waves.船在浪涛中颠簸。He plucked the cigarette from his mouth and tossed it out into the street.他从嘴里抽出香烟,把它扔到街上。Protesters shattered a glass door and tossed red dye around the entrance.抗议者砸碎了一扇玻璃门,并往入口处泼红染料。He tossed his cigarette aside and walked indoors.他把香烟往旁边一扔,走进屋里。He glanced at the letter and then tossed it into the bin.他扫了一眼信就把它丢进了垃圾箱。He tossed the idea out to a group of officials last year.去年他把这个想法抛给了一群官员。The boat tossed about like a cork in the water.那艘船像软木塞一样在水中摇摆。I just tossed that phrase out to get the discussion going.我说出这个字眼是为了使讨论继续下去。The stormy sea rolled and tossed the ship.风雨交加的海面使这条船剧烈颠簸着。At a press conference, she tossed off breezy replies.在一次记者招待会上她对答如流,妙趣横生。We all stood in a circle and tossed the ball to each other.我们站成一个圆圈,相互传球。The door opened and a bomb was tossed in.门打开了,一颗炸弹扔了进去。She tossed the ball high in/into the air.她把球高高抛向空中。She tossed out my old chair.她把我的旧椅子扔了。He tossed his blanket aside and got up…他把毯子掀到一边起了身。She tossed her head in annoyance.她生气地将头向后一甩。I tossed/threw his letter in the circular file. 我把他的信扔进了字纸篓里。Sylvia tossed back her dark hair in a gesture that was openly defiant.西尔维娅把黑头发往后一甩,公然表示自己的不服。She tossed her cigarette out into the rain.她将香烟扔进雨中。As the plane was tossed up and down, the pilot tried to stabilise it.飞机上下颠簸,飞行员试图将其稳住。We tossed a coin to decide who would go out and buy the buns.我们掷硬币决定谁出去买小圆面包。She picked up the package and casually tossed it into her bag.她捡起那包东西随手扔进手提包里。Several pages had been screwed up and tossed in the basket.几页纸被揉成一团,扔进了垃圾筐。




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