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词汇 toss
例句 I don't give a toss what people think…我才不在乎人们怎么想呢。I don't know who'll get the job – it's a toss-up between Carl and Steve.我不知道谁会得到这份工作 — 卡尔和史蒂夫两人都有机会。We couldn't make up our minds, so we decided to toss for it.我们拿不定主意,所以决定抛硬币来定。I'll toss a coin, you choose heads or tails.我掷硬币,你选正反。It's time to toss out those bananas.那些香蕉该扔了。The venue will be decided by the toss of a coin.地点将通过掷硬币来决定。Mum tried to toss the pancake but unfortunately it missed the pan and hit the floor.母亲想抛起薄煎饼,可惜饼没掉进平底锅里却落在地上。We'll toss a coin to see who does the wash.我们将掷币决定谁来洗衣服。It's a toss-up whether oil prices will go up or down over the days ahead.油价在今后的日子里会上涨还是下跌都有可能。It would be better to decide it on the toss of a coin.还不如用抛硬币的方法来决定。Well, who gives a toss about sophistication anyway?.嗯,不管怎样,谁会在意高雅时髦呢?To put it crudely, nobody really gives a toss about this any more.坦白地说,没人会真的再在乎这件事了。They won the coin toss and chose to receive.他们猜对了掷硬币,选择了接开球。I can toss off a couple of articles a month.我一个月可以轻松地完成几篇文章。The rest of us really couldn't give a toss; money's what we want.我们其余这些人根本不在乎:我们想要的就是钱。I'll even toss in an upgrade for free.我还将免费赠送一次升级服务。With a toss of his head and a few hard gulps, Bob finished the last of his beer.鲍勃猛一仰脖,咕嘟咕嘟几大口喝完了杯中剩下的啤酒。I'll toss you for it.我要和你抛硬币决定这件事。She dismissed the question with a toss of her head.她把头往上一扬,根本不理会这个问题。Malory won the toss and will serve.马洛里抛硬币赢了,他将先发球。Why don't you toss out all those old books. You'll never want to read them again.你再也不会读这些旧书了,干吗不把它们都清理掉。Do you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, or do you toss and turn for hours before dropping off?你是头一靠着枕头就能入睡呢,还是要翻来覆去好几个小时才能睡着?When they speak Filipino, they are apt to toss in English words.他们讲菲律宾语时常常夹杂一些英语词。Can you toss the salad for me?你能帮我拌色拉吗?It doesn't matter what you say, he'll always argue the toss!不管你说什么他都会唱反调!England won the toss and put the visitors in to bat.英格兰队在掷硬币中获胜,由客队击球。The order of play was decided by the toss of a coin.比赛顺序由掷硬币决定。She won the toss.她掷硬币赢了。It's a toss-up between going to India or China.很难选择是去印度还是去中国。Add the grated orange rind and toss the apple slices in the mixture.加入磨碎的橙皮,再将苹果片在其中轻拌。I don't give a toss what people think.我才不在乎人们怎么想。Bangladesh won the toss and decided to bat first.孟加拉国队掷硬币赢了,决定先击球。The home team won the toss.主队掷硬币猜对了。With a toss of her head she left the room.她扭头离开了房间。He worked steadily, and fast, pausing only to toss away clumps of grass roots.他平稳快速地工作着,只在扔掉草根块儿时停顿一下。India won the toss and put England in to bat.抛硬币猜正反面印度队赢了,让英格兰队首先击球。A toss of a coin decided who should play first.掷钱币决定谁先开球。I don't know who'll get the job. I guess it's a toss-up between Carl and Steve.我不知道谁会得到那份工作,猜想卡尔和史蒂夫的机会不相上下。England won the toss and chose to kick off.英格兰队猜先胜出,选择先开球。I was wakened by the toss and turn of the boat.我被船身的颠簸摇晃弄醒了。




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