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词汇 experts
例句 Even experts are stumped by this strange weather.即使是专家也无法解释这种奇怪的天气。Financial experts have detected signs that the economy is beginning to improve.金融专家已经注意到了经济开始有好转的迹象。Parents have joined with health experts to produce a video for bereaved families.家长们和健康专家一起为痛失亲人的家庭拍摄了一段录像。Reading the ideas of the so-called experts, I am not surprised the country is in such a state.读了这些所谓的专家的想法后,我对于该国的这种现状一点也不感到奇怪了。Counterterrorism experts concede that the threat is real.反恐专家承认威胁是真实的。Parents have every right to be suspicious of what the experts tell them.父母有权质疑专家对他们说的话。His view was echoed by industry experts.他的观点得到了业界专家的附和。Only once did we hit on a question which foxed one of the experts.我们只碰到过一个把一位专家也难住了的问题。Wildlife experts caught the reptile and took it to a crocodile farm.野生生物专家捕获了这只爬行动物并将它送进了鳄鱼养殖场。Many experts were critical of the move.很多专家对该行动提出了批评。He fiercely criticised self-styled educational experts for ignoring Shakespeare.他强烈批评那些无视莎士比亚的自诩为教育专家的人。Our problems came about because we ignored the advice of experts.我们出现这些问题是因为没有听从专家的意见。The experts are even-handed in apportioning blame among EU governments.专家们在明确对欧盟各国政府所应追究的责任时十分公正。The experts discovered several fakes in the art collection.专家们在这批艺术收藏品中发现了几件赝品。The experts are even-handed in apportioning blame among EU governments.专家们在明确欧盟各国政府应被追究的责任时一视同仁。The experts are not unanimous on this point.在这一点上专家们意见不一。Government experts will be keeping a close eye on the new currency to see whether it proves successful.政府的专家会密切注意这种新货币,看它是否成功。The Mayor sounded out the experts' views on the question of environmental pollution.市长征询专家们对环境污染问题的看法。He told me how Johnson had shown up all the other experts.他给我讲了约翰逊是如何超过所有其他专家的。Chess experts expected Kadparov to win the next match.国际象棋专家预测下一场比赛将是卡斯帕罗夫胜出。He was attended, as are all heads of state, by a full panoply of experts.和所有国家元首一样,他的身边跟随着各个领域的专家。Many aviation experts have called for changes to make premium passengers pay more.很多航空专家建议提高头等舱的价格。Their success defies the predictions made by most experts.他们的成功使大多数专家的预测落空。Scores of young officers suddenly blossomed out as economic experts.一大批青年军官忽然成长为经济专家。Thorne wanted the room sealed until it could be examined by experts.索恩希望在专家检查之前将这间房间封锁起来。Exceptionally, in times of emergency, we may send a team of experts.在紧急情况下,我们可能会破例派一个专家小组。These experts, because of their eminence in their areas, have considerable input in policy decisions.这些专家由于在各自从事研究的领域里有卓越造诣,故而对政府的决策有相当的影响。The experts were on hand to offer instruction on the important steps.专家们在现场指导重要舞步的跳法。Forensic experts were called in.法医专家被请来。Forensic experts fingerprinted items from the house.法医对房间里的物品进行了鉴定。What makes it so extraordinary is that the experts had all dismissed her theories as nonsense.非常奇怪的是,专家们都认为她的理论是胡说八道而不屑一顾。Some experts believe we are now seeing the maturation of the computer industry.有些专家相信计算机行业正成为一个成熟市场。He's got some experts on the staff.他的工作人员中有一些专家。Before launching the project, they sounded out a number of leading experts.工程启动之前,他们听取了一些主要专家的意见。The language of Darwin was intelligible to experts and non-experts alike.达尔文的语言无论对专家还是非专业人士而言都明白易懂。The Bridal Department will have experts on hand to give you all the help and advice you need.婚礼用品部会有现成的专家为您提供所需的一切帮助和建议。The so-called experts couldn't tell us what was wrong.那些所谓的专家说不出问题出在哪里。As is the custom, police forensic experts carried out a painstaking search of the debris.像往常一样,警方的法医专家对残骸进行了仔细的查看。Some experts have attacked the Jonas' book as a distortion and even as fiction.一些专家批评乔纳斯的书歪曲事实,甚至胡编乱造。The police have provided experts to counsel local people affected by the tragedy.警方请来专家对受该惨案影响的当地居民提供咨询服务。




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