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词汇 expecting
例句 I'm expecting a phone call.我在等一个电话。The number crunchers in Washington are expecting a budget surplus by the fall.华盛顿的统计人员预计到秋季时会出现预算盈余。She was expecting a bigger take.她期待着一笔更大的份额。I wasn't expecting a visitor.我没想到会有人来访。We're expecting major changes in the not too distant future. 我们期待着在不久的将来有大的变化。Workers will be expecting bigger/fatter pay envelopes next year.工人们盼望明年的工资会上涨。McMullen County is expecting a possible tornado.麦克马伦县预计可能有龙卷风来袭。Well, you weren't expecting him to reply personally, were you?哟,你不会是期待他亲自答复你吧 ?We're expecting a spell of sunshine.我们盼望晴朗的天气。He was clearly expecting a different answer.他显然在期待不同的答复。Employers are expecting an onslaught of recent college graduates looking for jobs.雇主们期待近期大学毕业生的求职热潮出现。I was half expecting to see her at the party.我有点盼望在聚会上见到她。They are expecting a turnaround from the disastrous harvest last year.他们正期望在去年的特大歉收之后取得丰收。I went off coffee when I was expecting a baby.我怀孕时不再想喝咖啡。 She asked the question expecting an affirmative.她问这个问题是希望得到肯定的答复。We're expecting them any minute now.我们在等他们,他们随时会到。Deprived of the crushing victory it was confidently expecting, the party cried foul.失去了自以为十拿九稳的压倒性胜利,该政党声称对手违规。He grimaced slightly, obviously expecting no answer to his rhetorical question.他微微皱了下眉头,显然并不期待任何人回答他的反问。The last I heard, she was expecting her second child.我最近听到的消息是她怀上了第二个孩子。He may be expecting us to dicker. Don't.他可能认为我们会争执起来。我们偏不。You know the woman next door, well, she's expecting a baby.你知道隔壁的那个女人吧,她呀,怀孕了。I wasn't expecting guests, so I had to improvise a meal with what I had in my refrigerator.我没料到会来客人,于是只好用冰箱里的东西临时做了顿饭。I'm expecting the package any day now.我想包裹很快就会到。Most government employees had become parasites, expecting to retain their positions through friendship or political favor.大多数政府雇员成了寄生虫,都指望通过朋友关系或政治上的好处来保住自己的职位。Kate and Dom are expecting a baby.凯特和多姆就要有孩子了。I'm expecting a call from Jake. That must be him now.我在等杰克的电话。这次肯定是他了。I heard on the grapevine that Josie and Tom are expecting a baby.我从小道消息听说乔茜和汤姆要有孩子了。The officials we met in the capital looked suspicious and tense, as if they were expecting us to declare war on them.我们在首都会见的那些官员看上去满腹疑虑并且很紧张,好像以为我们要对他们宣战似的。From her welcoming smile he realized, with a sinking of the heart, that she'd been expecting someone else.她脸上挂着的欢迎笑容让他内心失落地意识到她是在等别人。We're expecting quite a low turnout for the local elections.我们预计地方选举的投票率很低。Stella kept her eyes peeled, half-expecting to see Jenna perched in the café.斯特拉抱着一丝期待密切留意着,希望看见詹娜坐在咖啡馆里。I am expecting an important letter.我在等一封重要信件。Analysts are expecting flat sales in the coming months.分析人士预计未来数月销售不景气。I hear Dawn's expecting again.我听说唐又怀孕了。The chairs we have put out should be adequate for the number of guests we are expecting.我们拿出来的椅子应该足够我们正在等的来客用。We were expecting him home.我们正等他回家。When I told him my plan, I wasn't expecting such an enthusiastic response.我把计划告诉他时,没想到会有如此热烈的响应。We're expecting Alison home any minute now.我们想艾利森现在随时会到家。She had been on tenterhooks all night, expecting Joe to return at any moment.她一晚上都心神不定,等待着乔随时回来。The area is expecting heavy snowfall this weekend.本周末这一地区将迎来大雪。




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