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词汇 成年
例句 The adults have white bodies and grey backs.这些成年的动物身体为白色,背部为灰色。An adult conger eel can easily bite through a man's leg.成年的康吉鳗不费力就能咬穿人腿。People who are close friends as children aren't always friends as adults.孩提时候的好朋友,成年后不一定还是朋友。College students seem to teeter between childhood and adulthood.大学生好像在少年和成年之间摇摆不定。Responsibility, I suppose, is what defines adulthood.我想,成年就意味着责任。The book is popular among men/women of a certain age. 这本书广受成年男女的欢迎。She was very sympathetic to the problems of adult students.她对成年学生的问题深表同情。He spent most of his adult life cloistered in universities.成年后,他大部分时间都在远离尘世烦恼的大学里度过。Photographers dogged the princess all her adult life.公主成年后一直有摄影记者追踪拍摄。She is on the threshold of womanhood.她即将步入成年Male and female adults mate, the female lays eggs, and the cycle begins all over again.成年雄性和雌性交配,雌性产卵,周而复始。The adult animals reach a maximum length of two meters.这种动物成年时身长最长可达两米。Archaeologists have been unable to date these fossils.考古学家无法确定这些化石的生成年代。Educators and employers need to collaborate in preparing the next generation for employment and adulthood.教育工作者和雇主要合作,指导下一代为就业和成年作好准备。She has held fast to this belief all her adult life.成年后一直坚持这种信念。A person reaches his majority at the age of 21.一个人二十一岁达到法定成年All adult dogs are routinely wormed at least every six months.所有的成年狗至少每半年要例行打一次虫。The book is intended for adult readers.这本书是给成年读者看的。I've worked here all of my adult life. 成年以后我一直在这里工作。She has two grown-up sons.她有两个成年的儿子。The disease can be very serious in adult animals.这种疾病在成年动物身上会很严重。She has three grown-up sons.她有三个已经成年的儿子。Compared to its adult size, a new-born kangaroo is minuscule.成年袋鼠相比,刚出生的袋鼠小得可怜。We stop growing at maturity.我们成年之后不再长个儿。The little girl has grown up to womanhood.这小女孩成年了。Emma will inherit a fortune when she comes of age.埃玛成年后将继承一笔财产。Nowadays young people want to leave home as soon as they reach adulthood.如今的年轻人一到成年便想离家。She suffered from depression for most of her adult life.成年之后的绝大部分时间里她备受抑郁症的折磨。The poverty of his childhood played a decisive role in his adult life.童年的贫困在他的成年生活中起了关键的作用。The chicks have grown their adult feathers.这些小鸡已经长出了成年鸡的羽毛。Is your younger sister of age yet?你妹妹成年了吗? A fully grown elephant can weigh several tons.一头完全成年的大象可以重达好几吨。I've lived most of my adult life in London.成年之后的大部分时间都是在伦敦度过的。The story is seen through the eyes of a boy on the verge of manhood.故事是从一个快成年的男孩的视角来写的。As an adult, she rejected her Catholic upbringing.成年后她摒弃了自己的天主教教养。A celebration is held for the boy at the age when he is considered to have reached manhood.男孩到了公认为已届成年的年龄时,人们会为他举行一个庆祝仪式。He had barely reached manhood when he married.他刚刚成年便结了婚。Much of his adult life has been marked by sexual repression and feelings of guilt.成年生活的大部分时间都处于性压抑和愧疚的心情之中。Mature male gorillas have silver-grey hairs on their backs.成年雄性大猩猩背部有银灰色毛发。Ed ran the company until David came of age.埃德经营着公司,直至戴维成年




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