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词汇 成就感
例句 His job did not give him much sense of fulfilment.他的工作没有给他多少成就感Completing the run gives a real sense of achievement.跑完全程给人以真正的成就感I feel more fulfilled doing this than I've ever done.做这件事情让我获得了前所未有的成就感They may look for professional fulfilment outside politics.他们可能会在政坛以外寻求成就感The feeling of achievement was absolutely wonderful.成就感真是太妙了。Being a doctor gives me a real sense of fulfilment.当医生给我一种真正的成就感Having a successful career has proved a hollow victory and hasn't given them much satisfaction.拥有成功的事业被证明只是表面的胜利,实际上并没有给予他们多少成就感Completing the project on time and under budget generated a feeling of pride and accomplishment among the team.按预算准时完成这个项目令全队产生了自豪感和成就感Climbing the mountain gave him a tremendous sense of achievement.登上这座山让他获得了极大的成就感She found self-fulfillment by starting her own business.她通过开办自己的企业找到了成就感He gets a lot of fulfilment from his charity work.他从慈善工作中得到了很大的成就感Nursing gave her a sense of accomplishment.护理工作让她有了成就感There is a real sense of accomplishment when everything goes right.一切顺利时,人们就会有真正的成就感Women workers place more importance on intangibles such as a sense of achievement.女性员工更看重无形的东西,例如成就感She found fulfillment by starting her own business.她通过自主创业获得了成就感The war was the biggest thing in her life and nothing after that quite fulfilled her.这场战争是她生命中最重大的事件,从那以后再没有什么让她特别有成就感的了。Regular exercise gives a feeling of accomplishment.经常锻炼可以给人一种成就感Repairing the car by himself gave him a real sense of achievement. 自己动手修车给他一种真正的成就感Seeing my work come to fruition gives me a strong sense of fulfilment.看到自己的工作取得了成果,我有一种很大的成就感He felt unfulfilled working for his father.为父亲做事他没有成就感I got a real sense of achievement when my work was first published.我的作品第一次发表时,我有一种强烈的成就感I find the work dull and unrewarding.我觉得这项工作枯燥乏味,毫无成就感Bringing up a child alone should give you a sense of achievement.自己一个人带大孩子会给你一种成就感Their sense of accomplishment was obvious.他们的成就感显而易见。Winning an award would give me a great sense of achievement.得奖会给我很大的成就感I doubt I'll ever get rich, but I get job satisfaction.我知道自己发不了财,但是我从工作中获得了成就感They gain a sense of fulfilment from their work.他们从工作中获得成就感He looked around the room with a sense of achievement.他带着一种成就感环顾房间。When you get your MA, you really feel that you've achieved something.你拿到文学硕士学位以后,会有很大的成就感




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