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词汇 excited
例句 The news excited everybody.这消息使每个人都兴奋了起来。The prospects both excited and worried me.这前景既使我激动又令我忧虑。The noise excited me to uncontrollable terror.那一响声让我不由自主地感到害怕。The excited fans had a fling at the lost team.情绪激动的球迷们嘲弄输球的球队。They were really excited about the project, but now they seem to have gone off the boil.当初他们对这个项目非常感兴趣,可现在似乎已经没有激情了。The excited woman was not very coherent on the telephone.那个情绪激动的女人在电话里有点语无伦次。Huh. What are you so excited about?哼。你为什么这么激动?At the mention of a trip to the seaside, the children got very excited.一提起到海边度假,孩子们就非常兴奋。I was quite excited at the prospect.想到这种前景,我激动不已。He was so excited he could hardly sleep.他兴奋得无法入睡。The girls were quite excited because they were expecting a visit from their parents.女孩们非常兴奋,因为她们正期待着父母来看望她们。The glad news excited them.好消息令他们兴奋不已。He started to get all excited when I told him Cynthia was coming.当我告诉他辛西娅要来时,他开始变得非常激动。She was suddenly surrounded by a crowd of excited fans.她突然被一群激动的粉丝包围了。Recent fossil finds in Africa have excited interest among palaeontologists.最近非洲出土的化石引起古生物学家的兴趣。We were excited about going to America.我们很兴奋要去美国了。Steve's coming home tomorrow - we're all really excited.史蒂夫明天就回家了,我们都非常激动。He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us.他在我们中间煽动了几次内乱。The man was in a very excited and agitated state.男子的情绪非常激动不安。The coach kept the excited team in line.教练使情绪激动的队员们不越轨。I'm so excited that we're going to New York.我们要去纽约了,对此我很兴奋。Doctors are excited about the new drug's potential benefits.这种新药的潜在疗效令医生们兴奋不已。There was a hubbub of excited conversation from over a thousand people.一千多人在兴高采烈地大声交谈,场面无比喧闹。You do get very excited and exalted by the power of their speeches.他们的演讲的确能让人无比兴奋和激动。She is very excited about winning the first prize.赢得首奖,她激动不已。By now the crowd was wildly excited.到那时人群兴奋不已,几近疯狂。They demanded in a very excited and aggressive manner that they be should taken to Christmas Island.他们情绪十分激动并且态度嚣张,要求被送往圣诞岛。My father seemed very restless and excited.我父亲看上去兴奋得都坐不住了。The posters excited much interest in the show.海报激发了对这次演出的很大兴趣。The president's eloquent speech got people animated and excited.总统能言善辩的演说使人们感到鼓舞兴奋。I recognized Juliet's high, excited voice on the phone immediately.我马上就听出了电话里朱莉叶尖尖的、兴奋的嗓音。They were excited about/over the trip.他们对此次旅行感到兴奋。The kids seem pretty excited about the holidays.孩子们因为假期显得很兴奋。The court case has excited a lot of public interest.这场官司引起了公众极大的兴趣。I was so excited that I couldn't keep still.我太激动了,无法安静不动。She makes you feel warm and comfortable, and maybe a little excited.她会让你感到温暖和舒适,可能还会小小地挑起你的情欲。Being part of the crowd at a ball game had always excited me.跟大家一起看球赛总使我很激动。The whole office was excited.办公室的所有人员都很兴奋。Neither of the candidates has a fire in his belly, so it's hard to get excited about them.这两名候选人都没有雄心壮志,很难看好他们。There were excited murmurs as the President entered the hall.总统进来了,礼堂里一片激动的低语声。




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