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例句 The group's debut album was immediately acclaimed a hip hop classic.这个组合的首张专辑一经推出便被盛赞为嘻哈乐的经典之作。Poetry always loses in translation.一经翻译总要失去原有的韵味。Almost any sentence becomes more lively with active verbs and a personal subject.任何句子一经使用主动语态动词和人称主语,便会显得更加生动。All our things stayed in our suitcase, as if we might have to leave at a moment's notice.所有东西都放进行李箱了,好像一经通知我们就要马上离开似的。Mr Porter's book was an instant hit.波特先生的书一经推出便大受欢迎。Foreigners found without residency cards can be fined or imprisoned.没有绿卡的外国人一经发现就会被罚款或监禁。The government's argument broke down completely when new evidence came to light.新证据一经曝光,政府的辩解就完全站不住脚了。The equipment must be ready at a moment's notice.一经通知,设备必须马上准备好。All sales are final.货物一经售出概不退换。The percussive shells explode immediately on impact.撞爆弹一经撞击立即爆炸。There was a lot of resistance to the plan when it was first suggested.这项方案一经提出,就遭到诸多抵制。All our things stayed in our suitcase, as if we had to leave at a moment's notice.我们的东西都放在手提箱里,好像我们一经通知就得马上离开。Any workers found breaking these rules will be sacked on the spot.任何违反这些规定的工人一经发现将立即解雇。News of the factory closing found workers scrambling to find jobs.工厂倒闭的消息一经传出,工人们就抢着找工作。The debt is payable on demand. 借款一经索要须立即偿还。Once hay has been cut and baled, it has to go through some chemical processes.干草一经割下并打成大捆,就要经过一些化学工序处理。Cars are stolen to order for clients.一经买主要求,车子可以立即偷来。The group's debut album was immediately acclaimed a hip-hop classic.这个乐队的首张专辑一经推出便被盛赞为嘻哈乐的经典之作。Once the jewelry has been cleaned, it'll be like new.珠宝一经清洗,便会焕然一新。The idea was no sooner mooted than agreed.那个主意一经提出就立刻得到同意。Goods can be supplied at very short notice.一经通知立即供货。No matter what desires are requited, they are always replaced by others.不管是何种欲望,一经满足,总是又被其他欲望所代替。The ceasefire treaty was a dead letter as soon as it was signed, as neither side ever had any intention of keeping to it.由于双方缺乏遵守的诚意,停火协定一经签署就成了废纸一张。The emergency services swung into action as soon as the disaster was reported.灾难一经报道,应急服务机构迅速采取了行动。The troops are on standby and can return at a moment's notice.军队正在待命,一经通知就可以返回。A bill passed by congress becomes effective as soon as the President signs it.国会通过的法案一经总统签署立即生效。The paper says the evidence, when it surfaces, is certain to cause uproar.该报称该证据一经披露,一定会引起骚动。The terrorists said that anyone caught informing on them would be killed.恐怖分子说,举报他们的人一经发现将性命不保。If the motorcycle goes over a bump, the engine misfires.摩托车只要一经过坎儿,发动机就会熄火。Once you have been accepted at the university they promise to accommodate you in a dormitory.一经录取,校方就会承诺向你提供宿舍。He promised to pay the debt as soon as it was liquidated.他允诺在债务金额一经确定后立即清偿。




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