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词汇 一罐
例句 He reached for a tin of tobacco on the shelf behind him.他伸手去够身后架子上的一罐烟叶。He popped open a cold beer.他猛地打开一罐冰啤酒。A can of baby formula costing $6.00 will last you three to four days.一罐六美元的婴儿配方奶粉可以吃三到四天。I opened a tin of spaghetti hoops.我打开一罐意大利面圈。Take this empty can away and bring me a full one.把这空罐拿走,给我拿一罐满的来。Their dog devours a can of food at every meal.他们的狗每餐能吃光一罐狗粮。You'll need a can of tuna for this recipe.做这道菜需要一罐金枪鱼。He emptied a can of beans into the pan.他把一罐豆子倒在平底锅里。There was a jugful of water on each table.每个桌子上都有一罐水。Some lunatic threw a can of lighter fluid on the fire.有个疯子把一罐打火机油扔进了火里。Robyn unscrewed a jar of moisturiser and smoothed it over her face.罗宾旋开一罐润肤霜,把润肤霜均匀地涂在脸上。There's already an open jar of pickles in the refrigerator.冰箱里已经有一罐打开的腌菜了。You just press a button and presto! A drink appears.你只要摁一下按钮,嘿!一罐饮料就来了。The tea was sweetened with a hoarded tin of condensed milk.用贮藏的一罐炼乳为茶添加了甜味。He tossed Malone a can of beer, and took one himself.他扔给马隆一罐啤酒,自己也拿了一罐He had saved up a jarful of old pennies.他积攒了一罐一便士的旧硬币。A medium-sized dog will devour at least one can of food per day.中型犬每天至少要吃掉一罐狗粮。He found a can of beef stew and dumped it in a saucepan to heat.他找到一罐炖牛肉,就把它倒进长柄锅里加热。He popped the ring pull on another can of lager.他拉开另一罐拉格啤酒的拉环。I bought a tin of sardines.我买了一罐沙丁鱼。They opened a tin of sardines.他们打开了一罐沙丁鱼。




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