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词汇 exchange
例句 This triggered the recent dramatic falls on the Tokyo stock exchange.这引发了最近东京证券交易所股票的大幅度下跌。However, UK imports seem to be almost entirely insensitive to the exchange rate these days.然而,目前英国的进口似乎基本不受汇率影响。In any negotiations there must be an honest exchange of information.无论何种谈判,双方都必须诚实地交换信息。At the end of the game, players traditionally exchange shirts with each other.按照传统,比赛结束时两队队员互换球衣。The two countries exchange information on wanted criminals.两国互相交换关于通缉犯的情报。The clubs let members exchange goods and services without cash.俱乐部允许会员们用现金以外的东西换得商品和服务。Attempts by the UK government to prop up the pound on the exchange markets degenerated into chaos.英国政府试图在外汇市场上抬升英镑,结果演变成混乱。The successful bidder must exchange contracts immediately and pay a deposit.中标者必须立即交换契约并支付定金。This deferral would obviate pressure on the rouble exchange rate.这一延期将消除卢布汇率面临的压力。The pound plunged to a new low on foreign exchange markets yesterday.在昨天的外汇市场上,英镑突然跌到新低。The company made campaign donations in exchange/return for political favors. 公司向竞选活动捐款,以换取政治上的恩惠。When exchange controls were lifted, Swedes rushed to invest overseas.外汇管制取消之后,瑞典人竞相到国外投资。Shares soared on the stock exchange.股市的股票价格暴涨。The conference provides a useful forum for the exchange of views and ideas.大会为观点和思想的交流提供了一个有用的论坛。It is illegal for public officials to solicit gifts or money in exchange for favours.公职人员收受贿赂、以权谋私是违法的。The conference will give us an opportunity to exchange/share information with other researchers.这次会议将给我们提供一个与其他研究人员交换/共享信息的机会。After the exchange White has the move and wins.经交战执白一方围住对方,赢得胜利。In exchange for the hostages, the terrorists demanded safe conduct out of the country.恐怖分子要求以安全出境作为交换人质的条件。There was an angry exchange of letters between the two firms.两家公司在信中争来吵去。He pegged the peso to the dollar, abolished exchange controls.他将比索和美元挂钩,废除了外汇管制。Suppose, hypothetically, that you were offered a large sum of money in exchange for revealing company secrets. Would you accept the offer?设想,假如有人给你一大笔钱让你泄露公司的秘密,你会接受吗?The garage does not thoroughly examine cars before they are accepted in part exchange.汽车在以旧换新之前,修车厂不会彻底检查它们。The organization is dedicated to the free exchange of information.该机构致力于信息的自由交流。I'd like to exchange this sweater for a smaller one.我想把这件毛衣换成小一点的。Foreign exchange reserves jumped.外汇储备大幅度增长。Sugar and tourism are their top foreign exchange earners.糖和旅游业是他们的两大外汇收入来源。At Christmas, family and friends exchange presents.圣诞节时家人和朋友们互送礼物。We will gladly exchange your goods, or refund your money, whichever you prefer.我们将很乐意为您换货或退款,看您更愿意怎么做。If I give you this, what will you give me in exchange?如果我把它给你,你给我什么作为交换呢?They accepted blood money in exchange for the murderer's execution.他们接受了赎罪金,从而使凶手免于死刑。Federal agents busted several money-exchange businesses.联邦探员突击搜查了几家货币汇兑店。I'll exchange my orange for your pear.我用橙子来换你的梨。The French move has heightened concern over exchange rates and interest rates.法国的这项决议增加了人们对汇率和利率的担忧。She'd got an exchange teaching job for a year to the U.S.A.她得到了交换去美国任教一年的职务。We can exchange addresses when we see each other.我们见面的时候可以互相留下对方的地址。Can I exchange this vase? = Can you exchange this cracked vase for me?可以给我调换这个花瓶吗?The school organizes a foreign exchange to France.这所学校组织去法国的对外交流。Can I exchange this sweater for a black one?我可以把这件毛衣换成黑色的吗?Money is a medium of exchange.金钱是一种交换媒介。These factories have displaced tourism as the country's largest source of foreign exchange.这些工厂已取代旅游业成为该国最大的外汇来源。




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