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词汇 forceful
例句 The opposition leader led a very forceful attack on the government in parliament this morning.反对党领袖今天上午在议会对政府发起了强有力的抨击。His forceful personality concealed his weak leadership and poor political acumen.他个性坚强,掩盖了他在领导才能和政治敏感度方面的不足。For most people a heart attack is a forceful reminder that they are mortal.对多数人来说,心脏病发作会强烈地提醒他们终有一天自己会死去。It made a very forceful impression on me.它给我留下了深刻的印象。The government has threatened to use more forceful measures if necessary.政府威胁说必要时将采取更强硬的措施。They have made a forceful argument in favor of changing the system.他们给出了令人信服的理由来支持制度改革。At his most forceful, Cockburn can be a very persuasive speaker.在最能言善辩时,科伯恩可以是一个非常有说服力的演讲者。He solidified his commitment to the treaty, giving a forceful speech in favour of it.他发表了支持该条约的立场鲜明的讲话,进一步强调了他信守条约的承诺。He was forceful, but by no means a zealot.他个性坚定,但绝不是什么狂热分子。Governments should adopt a more forceful approach to improve the environment.各国政府应当采取更有力度的办法来改善环境。It was a dignified and forceful speech.这番演讲优雅而又极具说服力。She's a confident and forceful leader.她是一位自信且强有力的领导。This is a forceful argument.这是一个有说服力的论点。She has a very forceful personality which will serve her well in politics.她的个性十分坚强,这对她从政非常有利。She has a very forceful manner of speaking.她讲话的方式非常有力。Even his closest allies describe him as forceful, aggressive and determined.即使他最亲密的盟友也认为他强硬决断、咄咄逼人,不达目的誓不罢休。The mayor rounded on his critics with a very forceful speech.市长突然发表了措词强硬的讲话,回击批评他的人。Having motored ahead with forceful growth for many years, the truck industry was visibly slackening the pace.卡车产业多年来增长势头迅猛,如今已明显放慢步伐。His forceful arguments reduced his opponent to silence.他的有力论据驳得对手哑口无言。If he put his finger over the nozzle, he could produce a forceful spray.如果他用手指头按住喷嘴,就可以造成强力喷射。If he put his finger over the nozzle he could produce a forceful spray.如果他把手指按在喷嘴上,就可以产生强力的喷射。Her direct and forceful manner is considered an asset in political circles.她那种直率、强有力的作风在政界被视为一种优点。There are forceful arguments in favour of this.存在强有力的论据支持这一点。Barbara is / has a very forceful personality.芭芭拉是一个个性很强的人。She was a forceful intellectual unafraid to speak her mind.她是个很有魄力的知识分子,不惧怕说出自己的想法。He gained a reputation as a forceful member of the party.他获得如许名声: 是说话强有力的党员。She made a forceful impression on me.她给我留下极深的印象。Into her nineties, her thinking remained acute and her character forceful.虽已年届九旬,她依然头脑敏锐,个性很强。He can be arrogant and forceful.他有时候会目空一切,言辞锋芒逼人。He was a man of forceful character, with considerable insight and diplomatic skills.他个性强,颇具洞察力与外交手腕。She was a forceful intellectual, unafraid to speak her mind.她是个有魄力的知识分子,勇于直抒己见。Cynthia's personality was more forceful and outgoing.辛西娅的个性更加坚强、开朗。The President hasn't been forceful enough in changing the judicial system.总统改革司法体系力度不够。Betty Friedan was a forceful advocate of women's rights.贝蒂·弗里丹是一位极有说服力的妇女权益的倡导者。




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