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词汇 evolved
例句 Some flowers have evolved remarkable means of insect pollination.有些花已进化出非凡的以昆虫为媒介的授粉方式。Chadwick suggested that baseball evolved from the English game of rounders.查德威克认为,棒球由英国的圆场棒球游戏发展而来。The street plan of the city has evolved as a series of concentric rings.该城市的街道平面图像一圈圈的同心圆环。Fish evolved from prehistoric sea creatures.鱼是由史前的海洋生物进化而来的。The group gradually evolved into a political party.该团体逐步发展成了一个政党。Popular music evolved from folk songs.流行音乐从民歌演变而来。These unique plants evolved undisturbed for millions of years.这些独特的植物在没有干扰的情况下经历了数百万年的进化。Her company has evolved from a hobby into a thriving business.她的公司已从开始的业余消遣逐步发展成了兴旺的事业。It sounds as if you evolved this theory out of thin air.听上去你的这套理论是无中生有。Amphibians evolved into reptiles.两栖类进化成爬行类。The bright plumage of many male birds has evolved to attract females.很多雄鸟进化出鲜艳的羽毛是为了吸引雌鸟。More complex animals gradually evolved from these very simple creatures.复杂的动物是由这些非常简单的动物逐步进化而成的。Hygiene has evolved into preventive medicine.卫生学已逐步发展成为预防医学。This was when he evolved the working method from which he has never departed.他就是在这时形成了自己的工作方法,而且直到现在都还在沿用。Flowers have evolved markings that attract bees.花朵逐渐产生了招引蜜蜂的斑纹。Many scientists now believe that birds evolved from dinosaurs.现在有许多科学家相信鸟类是由恐龙进化而来的。The city's importance as a financial centre has evolved slowly.该市逐渐发展成为一个重要的金融中心。Brooks's original idea has now evolved into an official NASA program.布鲁克斯最初的设想现已发展为美国国家航空航天局的官方计划。Maize evolved from a wild grass.玉米从一种野草演化而来。New packing materials are being evolved which are light and strong.轻巧而坚实的新包装材料正在试制出来。It was self-evident to her that anything so wonderful could not have evolved accidentally.在她看来很明显的是,任何美妙的事物都不可能是偶然产生的。Maize evolved from a wild grass in Mexico.玉米是从墨西哥的一种野生禾本植物进化而来的。Large-scale industry emerged only gradually as technology evolved.大型工业是伴随着技术的发展逐渐兴起的。The universe evolved from a densely packed primal inferno.宇宙是从原始的炽热混沌状态演变而来的。He evolved a new system for running the factory.他制订了一套管理工厂的新制度。Dinosaurs evolved when most continents were joined in a single land mass.恐龙进化的时候,多数大陆连为一体。Researchers can only guess at how this weird creature evolved.研究者们只能猜测这个奇怪的生物是如何进化的。He evolved his style of painting while working as a magazine illustrator.他在为杂志绘制插图的过程中形成了自己的画风。The market has evolved considerably in recent years.近年来市场发生了巨大的变化。The game evolved from a purely corinthian pastime to an internationally recognised entity.这项运动从纯粹的业余爱好逐渐发展成为一个国际公认的独立项目。Monkeys in the New World evolved separately from those in the Old World.新大陆的猴子的进化独立于旧大陆的猴子的进化。The whole basis of her novel evolved from a chance meeting she had with an old friend.她小说的基础完全来源于她和一个旧友的偶遇。These are very highly evolved animals.这些是高度进化的动物。The modern automobile evolved from the horse and buggy.现代汽车是从单马马车演化而来的。Animals have evolved camouflage to protect themselves from predators.动物进化形成了伪装,以保护它们不受食肉动物的捕食。The protest movement has evolved into a well-organized political party.抗议活动演变成了一个很有组织的政党。This policy must have evolved over time.这个政策肯定是随着时间演变而来的。Some believe that birds evolved from dinosaurs. = Some believe that dinosaurs evolved into birds.有些人认为鸟是从恐龙进化而来。Are humans just an evolved animal?人类不过是进化了的动物,对吗?They evolved from simple life forms that existed millions of years ago.它们是从几百万年前就存在的简单的生命形式进化而来的。




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