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词汇 太天真
例句 It has to be said it was rather ingenuous of him to ask a complete stranger to take care of his luggage.他让一个完全陌生的人帮自己照看行李,这未免也太天真了。They're too pure and innocent to know what's really going on.他们太纯洁太天真了,不了解实际上发生了什么。I know I was a naive fool to trust him but he is a real charmer who totally took me in.我知道信任他是因为我太傻太天真,不过他实在太有魅力,我被彻底蒙蔽了。It would be naive to think that this could solve all the area's problems straight away.认为这样就可以马上解决该地区的所有问题也太天真了。It was naive of him to believe her.太天真了,居然会相信她。I must have been naive to think we would get my parents' blessing.我一定太天真了,竟认为我们会得到我父母的祝福。He is too naive and trusting and often lets people take advantage of him.太天真且太轻信他人了,因而常被人占便宜。Her rosy view of life in the country seems rather naive.她对乡村生活的美好憧憬未免太天真




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