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The floors are waxed and buffed every year.地板每年都打蜡抛光。The time for paying taxes every year has stolen on me.每年一度的纳税时间不知不觉又来临了。She insists on all her employees coming to the Christmas lunch she gives every year.她坚持要求所有员工都参加她每年一次的圣诞午餐。He earns a cool half million every year.他每年足足赚五十万。Your horse's teeth do not need to be rasped every year.马的牙齿不用每年都锉。There are many visitors to the White House every year.每年参观白宫的游客很多。Thousands of tourists visit the area every year.每年有成千上万的游客前往该地。Thousands of tourists visit Spain every year.每年都有成千上万的游客到西班牙观光。The author pumps out a book every year.那位作者保持着每年写出一本书的高产率。Computers become lighter, smaller, and more portable every year.每一年计算机都变得越来越轻,越来越小,越来越方便携带。Her children went back every year to stay in a farmhouse near the cottage.她的孩子们每年都回去,住在小屋边的农舍里。Millions of passengers fly British Airways every year.每年有数百万人乘坐英国航空公司的飞机。Our sheep are summered in high pastures every year.我们每年在高地牧场给我们的羊群作夏季放牧。The gardener mucked the orchard every year.园丁每年都给果园施肥。They have to contend against draught every year.他们每年都得与干旱做斗争。He fertilizes the lawn every year.他每年都给草坪施肥。The vote for Education gets higher every year.通过的教育拨款额逐年增加。There are thousands of unwanted teenage pregnancies every year.每年都有数千例少女意外怀孕事件。We don't want this to be a one-shot deal. We hope to have the festival every year.我们希望这不是一次性的活动,我们希望年年都有庆祝活动。You should have a clinical breast exam every year.你应该每年接受一次临床乳房检查。Christmas seems to come earlier every year.圣诞似乎一年比一年来得早。My mother cooks a big turkey for Thanksgiving every year, and my father does the honors at the table. 我妈妈每年感恩节都烤一只大火鸡,而我爸爸负责把火鸡切开,招待宾客。The Cambridge University rows against Oxford every year.剑桥大学每年与牛津大学进行划船比赛。They give five percent of their gross to charity every year.每年他们都把总收入的百分之五捐给慈善机构。Wild geese herd to the south in autumn every year.每年秋天大雁都成群结队地飞往南方。We grow the exact same vegetables in our garden every year.我们每年都在园子里种完全同样的蔬菜。He still writes to her sometimes and sends her a Christmas card every year.他仍然不时给她写写信,每年寄张圣诞贺卡。The parade is held every year.游行每年举办一次。By telling people about her accident, she personalizes the numbing figure of traffic accidents that happen every year.通过对人们讲述自己的车祸经历,她让人们对每年所发生的道路交通事故的惊人数量有了真切的认识。More and more people are moving to the suburbs every year.每年都有越来越多的人搬到近郊居住。A spokesman said that more and more vehicles were taking to the highways every year.一位发言人说每年有越来越多的车辆出现在公路上。She goes for a checkup every year.她每年都去体检。He subscribes to the church every year.他每年都向教会捐款。The disease disables thousands every year.这种疾病每年导致数千人残疾。Women judged to be at high risk for breast cancer should be examined every year.被认为属于乳癌高危人群的妇女应该每年检查一次。Southwark electoral services conduct a canvass of the whole borough every year.南华克区选举服务中心每年都在全区进行意见征集活动。The festival attracts thousands of visitors every year.这个节日每年吸引数以千计的游客。Every year he was supposed to go, and every year he could think of excuses for not making the journey.每年他都应该去旅行,但每年他都能找出不去的借口来。Like clockwork, he cranks out a new book every year.像钟表那么精准,他每年准会炮制出一部新书。New courses are appearing every year.每年都有新的课程开设出来。 |