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词汇 Everyone
例句 Everyone knows she's not likely to spring a surprise.大家知道她不大可能做出出人意料的事。Everyone hopes that the club's resurgence will not be a flash in the pan.大家都希望该俱乐部的复苏不是昙花一现。Everyone who has been bereaved has to find his or her own way of coping.每一个痛失亲人或朋友的人都不得不自己想办法应对悲伤。Everyone is raving of the latest craze.人人都在热烈谈论最新的时尚。Everyone had a ball at the party.每个人在派对上都玩得很痛快。Everyone must accept their share of the blame.每个人必须承担自己的那份责任。Everyone got a bit tired of electronic clutter and went unplugged and acoustic.大家都有点厌倦电子音乐的嘈杂声,所以回到了不插电的原声状态。Everyone knows that lifelong learning and reskilling are important.每个人都知道终身学习和不断学习新技术很重要。Everyone except Richard was late.除理查德外,其他所有人都迟到了。Everyone in the room turned to stare at her.屋里的每个人都转过来盯着她。Everyone noticed when she made her entrance. 她入场时,引起了所有人的注意。Everyone broke up when they saw what he was wearing.看到他的一身穿戴,大家都不禁大笑起来。Everyone has the right to a fair trial.人人都有权接受公正的审判。Everyone in the crowd was jostling for room/space.人群中每个人都在挤来挤去抢占位置/地盘。Everyone had left, and the house was finally still.人们相继离开,房子里终于恢复了安静。Everyone was relieved when the ceremony at the Ambassador's residence went off without a hitch.大使官邸里举行的这个庆典非常顺利,大家都松了一口气。Everyone liked my proposal, but there hasn't been any follow-up.每个人都喜欢我的建议,但没有任何跟进行动。Everyone's vote counts.每个人的选票都很重要。Everyone was on pins and needles waiting to hear the jury's verdict.大家坐立不安地等待着陪审团的裁决。Everyone was thankful to hear the good news.大家听到这个好消息都感到欣慰。Everyone is entitled to some measure of protection.每个人都有权利受到一定程度的保护。Everyone in the organization has to follow its code of ethics.组织内的每个人都必须遵守制定的道德规范。Everyone in the room fell silent, and Miss Rogers dozed peacefully her chair.房间里的每个人都沉默了下来,而罗杰斯小姐则坐在椅子上安静地打瞌睡。Everyone should have an even chance.人人都应机会均等。Everyone has a choice between good and evil.人人都有善与恶的选择。Everyone wants to be successful in the eyes of their peers.每个人都希望在同辈人的眼中自己是成功的。Everyone fixed their eyes on her as she entered the room.她进屋时,大家都盯着她。I was absolutely astonished by the reaction to our engagement. Everyone started congratulating us.大家对我们订婚的反应让我非常惊讶。所有人都开始祝贺我们。Everyone at the meeting liked my report, so it was accepted on the nod.与会者都喜欢我的报告,所以就点头一致通过了。Everyone likes the stranger, but in reality he is a criminal.每个人都喜欢这位陌生人,其实他却是个罪犯。Everyone dressed informally in shorts or jeans.大家都穿得很休闲,不是短裤就是牛仔裤。Everyone came tumbling out of the bar at closing time.酒吧关门时每个人都跌跌撞撞地走了出来。Everyone here has a really laid-back attitude.这里每个人态度都很散漫。Everyone was in a conciliatory mood at the start of the meeting.会议开始时,人人都抱着和解的想法。Everyone on the ill-fated trip died.每个参加这次不幸之旅的人都死了。Everyone has a cross to bear.每一个人都有自己的苦难。Everyone was drooling over his new car.每个人都对他的新车羡慕得很。Everyone is gibbering insanely, nerves frayed as showtime approaches.随着开演时间逼近,大家都紧张起来,慌里慌张地念着台词。Everyone at the school was so cliquey, it was hard for me to make new friends.学校里每个人都很排外,我很难交到新朋友。Everyone's cramming for their final exams.大家都在拼命地准备期末考试。




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