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He came across as a weak and indecisive leader.他给人的印象是一个软弱无力、优柔寡断的领导者。Critics say he has been weak and indecisive.评论家说他既懦弱又优柔寡断。The meeting was indecisive.这次会议不是决定性的。An indecisive commander is unlikely to win the confidence of his men.一个优柔寡断的指挥官不大可能得到部下的信任。He was criticised as a weak and indecisive leader.作为领导他被指责作风软弱,优柔寡断。Although she comes across as impulsive, Harper is actually very cautious and indecisive.尽管哈珀给人的印象是很冲动的,她实际上十分小心、优柔寡断。They say that the government is weak and indecisive.他们说政府软弱无能、优柔寡断。She's always been very indecisive.她总是非常缺乏决断力。They can be irritatingly indecisive at times.他们有时优柔寡断得令人恼火。He is widely thought to be an indecisive leader.大家普遍认为他是个优柔寡断的领导人。The President's flip-flops on taxes made him appear indecisive.总统在税收问题上的一再反复使他显得优柔寡断。Michael was indecisive about how to decorate the room.关于如何装饰房间,迈克尔犹豫不决。The government appears to be both ineffectual and indecisive.该政府显得无能为力、优柔寡断。It is not perhaps surprising that the administration now appears so indecisive and unfocused.政府现在优柔寡断、毫无章法,这或许并不奇怪。The outcome of the battle was indecisive.战果不明朗。I'm sorry to be so indecisive, but can I let you know tomorrow?很抱歉我犹豫不决,我能明天给你答复吗?He was a weak-willed and indecisive ruler.他是一位意志薄弱、优柔寡断的统治者。An indecisive result would force a second round of voting.尚无定论的结果会迫使进行第二轮投票。If there's anything I can't stand it's an indecisive, wishy-washy customer.如果说我有什么不能容忍的话,那就是犹犹豫豫、挑来挑去的客户。The President's flip-flops on taxes made him appear indecisive.总统在税收问题上的大转弯给人以优柔寡断的印象。The changes come after mounting criticism that the government is weak and indecisive.随着对政府软弱和优柔寡断的批评愈演愈烈,情况终于有了变化。 |