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词汇 even if
例句 I will not give up even if there is only a gleam of hope.哪怕只有一线希望我也不会放弃。I bet I can dive better than you, even if I don't stay down so long.我敢打赌,就算我不能在水中待很长时间,我潜水也比你强。I promised myself I'd stick it out even if it killed me.我向自己保证,即使我会为之命丧黄泉,也要坚持到底。I only take on work that excites me, even if it means turning down lots of money.我只做那些令我感兴趣的工作,即使这意味着要少赚很多钱。Encourage your child in her interests and hobbies even if they're things that you know little about.要鼓励孩子的兴趣爱好,即使你对它们所知甚少。In all probability she wouldn't come even if we invited her.即使我们邀请她,她十有八九也不会来。Nothing interests him any longer, not even if he were to holiday in Hangzhou.什么事都再也引不起他的兴趣了,即使到杭州去度假,他也不感兴趣。It's good to know you've had good notices, even if you don't read them.知道自己受到好评真好,即使不看这些评论。Ava felt obligated to help her mother, even if it meant leaving college.阿娃感到有义务帮助母亲,即使这样做意味着要离开大学也在所不惜。Tom's a real klutz when it comes to baseball - even if he hit the ball he'd trip on the way to first base.说到打棒球,汤姆可真笨一即使击中球后跑第一垒时也会摔跤。Once a car has started, the engine would continue to run even if you disconnected the battery.汽车一旦起动,即使你切断电池的电源,引擎还是会继续运转的。He aims to please even if it means putting his principles in cold storage.他一心要取悦于人,甚至放弃原则也在所不惜。He's determined to prove his innocence, even if he has to go to the highest court in the land.即使要上国家的最高法院,他也决意要证明自己的清白。She's so temperamental that even if you disagree with her it's better to bite your tongue and say nothing.她这人很喜怒无常,即使你不同意她,也最好保持沉默,什么都不要说。A teacher's job is relatively safe, even if they perform under par in the classroom.教师的职业相对稳定,即使他们的课上得不怎么好。The movie wasn't that bad. I liked it, anyway, even if no one else did.这部电影并没有那么差,不管怎么说,我喜欢,即使其他人都不喜欢。It's within the law, even if it seems unfair.虽然这看起来不公平,但它不违法。When everything is in place, the building work begins, even if it means running two massive projects at the same time.一切就绪之后建筑工程就会启动,尽管这意味着两项巨大的工程将同时进行。Nineteen percent of women will still use a beauty product, even if it irritates their skin.百分之十九的女性使用一种化妆品后,即使皮肤刺痛还会继续使用。Nevertheless, it's good to know you've had good notices, even if you don't read them.不过,即便你不看,知道有一些对你的好评也挺好。All we are asking is that management be honest with us, even if the situation is difficult.我们只是要求资方对我们实话实说,哪怕情况很不妙。Motorists could lose their no-claims discount, even if they are not at fault in an accident.即便驾驶员在事故中没有过错,他们也可能失去无索赔折扣。Jason vowed to stand his ground, even if it meant losing his job.贾森发誓哪怕是丢了工作也要坚守立场。I was determined to finish the job even if it killed me.我下定决心,即使把命豁出去也要完成这项工作。The company needs to cut spending, even if it hurts.公司需要削减开销,尽管这样会造成损害。You have to let us struggle for ourselves, even if we die in the process.你得让我们自己奋斗,哪怕我们会在这一过程中死去。I'll get the work done today even if it means staying late.即使需要熬夜,我也会在今天把工作完成。You'll have to lump it even if you don't like it.即使你不喜欢它,你也得忍受它。Food seems to have been available, even if the quality left much to be desired.食品似乎能够买到了,虽然品质还远不尽如人意。I'm not sorry for what I said. Somebody had to tell the truth, even if people don't like it.我对自己说的话不后悔。即使有人不喜欢听,也总得有人说出真相。He wanted her at any cost, even if it meant giving up everything he had.他不惜一切代价要得到她,即使这意味着放弃他自己所拥有的一切。The story he told was basically true, even if it wasn't the literal truth.他讲的事,即便不是确切的事实,但也基本属实。Children universally prefer to live in peace and security, even if that means living with only one parent.孩子们普遍愿意过平静安宁的生活,即便这意味着只能与单亲生活在一起。Don't laugh,even if it does sound cuckoo!别笑! 尽管听上去确实很傻。I never scolded,even if my children made mistakes.我从不喜欢斥责,即使我的孩子犯了错误我也不发火。Some fathers are jealous of the attention a new baby receives, even if they won't admit it.有些做父亲的会因为新生婴儿吸引了别人的注意力而妒忌,尽管他们不肯承认。The story he told was basically true, even if it wasn't literally true.他讲的事虽然并不完全真实,但基本属实。Of course, I'll marry you, even if it means living in your one-horse hometown.我当然会娶你,就算要在你偏僻的家乡生活我也愿意。There's no need to swear at me, even if I have made a mistake.就是我犯了错误也别骂我呀。Don't let down even if you're nearing the destination.即使快到目的地也不要松劲。




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