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词汇 打个招呼
例句 I just popped in to say hello.我只是进去打个招呼The actor walked by, not even deigning to acknowledge his fans.那位演员大步前行,甚至不屑跟他的粉丝们打个招呼Promise you'll look in and say hello when you have time.答应我,有时间的话来看看我,打个招呼I wish he'd come round and see us sometime, if only just to say hello.真希望他什么时候可以过来看看我们,哪怕只是打个招呼都行。I just stopped by to say hello.我只是顺路过来打个招呼Do you want to pop your head in and say hallo to my girlfriend?你要不要进来和我女友打个招呼We exchanged civilities when we were neighbours, but nothing more.我们以前做邻居的时候最多也只是客气地打个招呼He walked on without even stopping to say hello.他连停下来打个招呼都没有,直往前走。We've come to see you, so you could at least stand and greet us properly.我们都来看你了,你至少应该起身得体地打个招呼




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