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词汇 ethnic
例句 All Singaporeans have to pass exams in the official language of their ethnic group as well as English.所有新加坡人都必须通过他们自己民族的官方语言及英语的考试。They promote assimilation of minority ethnic groups into the culture.他们推动少数民族融入这里的文化。He said senior government officials were trying to stir up ethnic tension.他说政府高级官员们正在试图挑起紧张的种族局势。An ethnic conflict that was simmering away in the background finally erupted into civil war.民族冲突在暗中不断积蓄,最终引发了内战。Have ethnic tensions in the area been reduced by intermarriage?不同种族之间的通婚是否缓解了该地区的种族紧张局势?I like gourmet/vegetarian/ethnic cuisine.我喜欢美味/素食/具有民族特色的烹饪。As university campuses become increasingly multi-ethnic, they offer a glimpse of the conflicts society will face tomorrow.大学校园变得日益多种族化,通过校园可以对未来社会将要面对的诸多冲突有一个初步的认识。Different ethnic groups have different systems of kinship.不同的民族亲属关系有着不同的体系。The region has a long and lamentable history of ethnic fighting.这一地区历史上长时期存在着令人遗憾的种族冲突。This vile policy of ethnic cleansing must be stopped.这项罪恶的种族清洗政策必须被制止。The members come from different ethnic and religious backgrounds.成员来自不同的种族和宗教背景。One ethnic group predominates over others in that country.在那个国家,一个族群主宰其他的族群。His writing is influenced by his ethnic background.他的写作受到其种族背景的影响。They have redrawn the country's boundaries along ethnic lines.他们已经按照民族界线重新划定了国家的边界。Europeans make up the biggest ethnic group in Australia.欧洲裔人构成了澳大利亚最大的种族群体。Bitter ethnic rivalries within the region have grown in recent years.最近几年这个地区的民族对抗越来越激烈。She doesn't care for ethnic humor.她不喜欢有关种族的玩笑。He wore his ethnic heritage as a badge of honor/pride. 他以自己的民族传统为荣耀。We're straying into ethnic issues here.我们偏离主题,讨论起了种族问题。It doesn't matter one whit what their ethnic background is.他们的种族背景是什么丝毫没有关系。They promote social integration and assimilation of minority ethnic groups into the culture.他们提倡社会融合,促进少数民族群体融入社会文化。Hundreds of people have been killed in the recent ethnic violence.在最近一次种族暴力事件中有数百人丧生。Teachers claim such measures could unfairly disadvantage ethnic minorities.教师们声称这样的措施会有失公允地使少数民族处于不利地位。The magazine runs a regular feature on ethnic cooking.这本杂志定期刊登民族烹饪方面的特稿。If political and ethnic problems are not resolved the situation could become uncontrollable.如果政治和民族问题得不到解决,局面可能会失控。The ethnic minorities will be effectively stateless.少数民族人士实际上将沦为无国籍的人。Communal riots/disturbances have once again broken out between the two ethnic groups.两个种族之间再次爆发了群体骚乱。Chicago's separate, unmelted ethnic groups芝加哥分散的未融合的各少数民族集团In our class we have children of all different religious and ethnic backgrounds.我们班上的孩子来自各不相同的宗教和种族背景。I love ethnic food/restaurants.我喜欢有民族特色的食物/餐馆。The law now prohibits racial and ethnic discrimination.法律现在禁止种族和民族歧视。The U.S. has a wide variety of ethnic groups made up of immigrants or their descendants.美国有许多由移民或其后裔组成的族群。The city is known for its cultural/ethnic diversity.这个城市以文化/种族多元化著称。If political and ethnic problems are not resolved, the situation could become uncontrollable.政治和民族问题得不到解决,局面可能会失控。The country is populated by many ethnic groups.这个国家由许多民族构成。The country is divided along ethnic lines.这个国家种族分歧严重。The country's borders are artificial, and were set with no consideration for the various ethnic groups in the region.那个国家的边界是人为划定的,当时没有考虑到那个地区的各个族群。The Indonesians of the city form a distinct ethnic group.城里的印度尼西亚人形成一个截然不同的族群。If they succeed in winning the hearts and minds of the ethnic minorities here, they should sweep into power at the next election.如果他们赢得这里少数民族的人心,下届选举时他们就能以不可阻挡之势上台。Thousands have been arrested in violent ethnic conflicts in the region.数以千计的人在这一地区的种族暴力冲突中被逮捕。




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