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词汇 established
例句 The two countries established a mutual trade agreement.两国订立了双边贸易协定。Once she became a prosecutor, she quickly established herself as a masterful trial lawyer.她一成为律师就很快脱颖而出,成为一名能掌控局面的法庭辩护律师。We established ourselves in the new house a week ago.我们一个星期前住进了新屋。The business started as an offshoot of an established fashion design company.这家公司起步时只是一个知名时装设计公司的分支机构。The documents proved/established his identity. 这些文件证明了他的身份。This offer is available exclusively to our established customers.只有本店老客户才能享受这一优惠价。Many established firms were facing bankruptcy.许多成熟的企业正面临倒闭。The festival has become established as an annual event.这个节日已经被确立为年度盛事。The rules, though not written down, are fairly well established.那些规则虽然没有写下来,却是得到公认的。The state has established harsh penalties for drug dealers.政府已经针对毒贩制定了严厉的惩罚措施。The Institute was established under the directorship of Professor Gray.该机构创立时,格雷教授是主管。It hadn't been established where we'd all sleep - the location seemed to vary from night to night.我们睡的地方没有确定—一地点似乎每晚都在变。He has now established his reputation as a popular musician.他现在已经成为广受欢迎的音乐家。Mr Levy has established a reputation as the committee's biggest, most vehement critic.利维先生是针对该委员会的最大、最严厉的批评家,因而著名。The British Empire was established for commercial as well as political reasons.大英帝国是基于商业及政治理由而建立的。The first scene established the period.第一场设定了故事发生的时期。The technical superiority of laser discs over tape is well established.激光影碟相对于磁带的技术优势早已牢牢确立。We have established trade ties with these regions.我们和这些地区建立了贸易关系。A proper procedure for complaints should be established.应当建立处理投诉事宜的合理程序。When Alfred Nobel died, an annual peace prize was established in his memory.艾尔弗雷德·诺贝尔去世后,为了纪念他而设立了一年一度的和平奖。The plants quickly produce new roots and become established.植物很快生出新根并开始茁壮成长。The hospital's endowment was established by a local family.这家医院的捐款是由当地的一个家庭发起的。The conservative old guard had re-established its political supremacy.守旧的保守派已经重掌政治大权。His position in the organization is now firmly established.他在组织中的地位现已牢固确立了。A search committee was established to help the President find his Supreme Court nominee.设立了遴选委员会帮助总统物色最高法院人选。The tribunals were established for the well-integrated members of society and not for marginal individuals.特别法庭是为主流社会成员、而非个体设立的。He is not changing the rules; he is simply restating the policy that was established last year.他没有改变规定,只是把去年定下来的政策重新表述了一下。We talked about music, and food, and holiday destinations, and gradually established a kinship.我们谈论了音乐、食物以及度假目的地,逐渐就亲密起来。This "descriptive" approach to standard English raised the hackles of prescriptivists, who believed in established rules and a hierarchy of expression. 这一“描述主义”手法让规约主义者感到恼怒,他们相信已确立的规则和表述的等级。Some semblance of order had been established in the wake of the riots.暴乱之后,秩序已经初步恢复。In all relationships a few ground rules have to be established.要保持任何一种关系,都必须确立一些基本原则。His novel won the Booker Prize and established his reputation.他的小说获得布克奖,确立了他的声誉。This soon established his reputation as a radical.这件事很快使他成为众所周知的激进分子。An interim government was established.建立了一个临时政府。These developments represented a major change in the established order.这些发展代表了现有秩序的重大转变。Greece has established full diplomatic relations with Israel.希腊已经和以色列建立了全面的外交关系。The word is now established as part of the English language.这个词现已被英语吸纳。It is unlikely that a record company would enforce its views on an established artist.唱片公司不可能强迫一位著名艺术家接受其意见。Nowadays there are a number of similar products on the market and the older, established companies are having to look to their laurels.由于市场上已经出现了很多竞争产品,那些老牌公司不得不加大投入。They established a basic framework of ground rules for discussions.他们为讨论建立了基本规则框架。




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