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例句 Before you do business with someone, it is important to establish a rapport.在与别人做生意之前,确立良好的关系是很重要的。One crazy millionaire even attempted to establish his priority of claim to the moon.有一个想入非非的百万富翁甚至企图确立其对月球的优先占有权。The US is in the van of the quest to establish contact with other planets.美国在探索与外层空间生物建立联系方面处于领先地位。Our goal is to establish a new research centre in the North.我们的目标是在北方建立一个新的研究中心。His opportunity to re-establish himself had been nobbled by the manager's tactics.他重新树立自己地位的机会因教练的战术而流产了。It took many years of struggle to establish majority rule in South Africa.通过多年的斗争,南非才确立了多数统治。I was never able to establish whether she was telling the truth.我根本无法确定她是否在说实话。The British were concerned to re-establish their imperial power in Asia.英国人很想在亚洲重建其帝国权力。As children grow, they establish their own identities.儿童在成长过程中形成自己的个性。It is essential to establish how the money is being spent.有必要证实一下这些钱现在是怎么花的。By what means does the author attempt to establish the character of the narrator?作者是通过何种途径使叙述者这一角色显得真实的?We try to establish links with schools.我们努力与各学校建立联系。Use your deadlines to establish the timeline for your research plan.依据最后期限来确定研究计划的时间表。He says that the government will set/establish a dangerous precedent if it refuses to allow the protesters to hold a rally.他说政府如果不允许抗议者举行集会,它将确立一个危险的判例。The police are trying to establish a picture of events leading up to the killing.警方试图确定导致该起凶杀案的种种前因。He is planning to establish a home.他正计划建立家庭。First, he had to establish his credentials as a researcher.首先,他得证明自己有资格做研究员。He could not get a single witness to establish independent corroboration of his version of the accident.他找不到一个证人来为他对该事故的说法提供独立的证据。If British business is to have a successful future, companies must establish a firm foothold in Europe.如果英国公司想在未来成功发展,就必须在欧洲建立稳固的基础。They have not been able to establish a motive for the attack.对于这次袭击,他们还没能确定其动机。Amnesty International is trying to establish whether the police acted lawfully in shooting him.大赦国际正试图查明警方射杀他是否合法。We need to establish a clear objective.我们需要制定一个明确的目标。The country has always been something of a tinderbox because the central state never really managed to establish its authority.由于中央政府从未真正树立其权威,因此该国一直就像个火药桶。Doubtless there will be niches in which new services establish themselves.毫无疑问,新型服务行业将会有可立足的缝隙市场。He had a year in which to establish his fitness for the office.他有一年的时间使自己的称职得到认可。There is a strong need to establish effective communication links between staff, parents, pupils, and external bodies.非常有必要与员工、家长、学生以及其他各方建立有效的沟通渠道。It is impossible to establish democracy amid economic chaos.经济混乱不堪是不可能建立民主的。We need to establish a match between students' needs and teaching methods.我们需要使教学方法与学生需要相匹配。He claims that imperialists are trying to re-establish colonial rule in the country.他声称帝国主义的拥护者正试图在这个国家重建殖民统治。I tried to establish radio contact with the control tower.我试图通过无线电与指挥塔台取得联系。The royalties enabled the inventor to re-establish himself in business.专利使用费让这位发明家得以再次立足于商界。On Tuesday the country's parliament voted to establish its own army.该国议会于周二投票决定建立自己的军队。We need to establish more realistic goals for ourselves.我们需要为自己确立一些更为实际的目标。She has worked hard to establish her bona fides with the company. 她努力工作以在公司树立起诚信的形象。He had set out to establish his own business.他已经着手创立自己的公司了。They relied on witnesses to establish alibis for the accused.他们依靠目击者来证明被告不在犯罪现场。We are hoping to establish good liaisons with these groups.我们希望与这些团体建立良好的联系。We're trying to establish linkages between these groups and financial institutions.我们正努力在这些团体和金融机构之间建立联系。We are now striving hard to establish a transparent parliamentary democracy.我们现在正在努力建立公开透明的议会民主。We need to establish the exact sequence of events leading up to the accident.我们需要确定造成这起事故的一系列事件的确切顺序。




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