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词汇 predators
例句 Animals have evolved camouflage to protect themselves from predators.动物进化形成了伪装,以保护它们不受食肉动物的捕食。The company is worried about takeovers by various predators.公司担心被各种虎视眈眈的集团收购。The birds' nests are high up, safe from predators.鸟巢筑得很高,以安全地避开捕食者。This city was an easy prey for the predators.这座城市是掠夺者能轻易得手的目标。The snake's markings are intended to warn away predators.蛇身上的斑纹是用来警告捕食者远离自己的。Their natural predators have been killed off.它们的天敌被全部杀死。They produce the venom as a defence against attack by predators.为了抵御掠食者的攻击,它们会分泌毒液。Given its present weak financial position, the company is worried about predators.考虑到自身目前薄弱的财务状况,该公司担心被其他公司收购吞并。Many snakes use camouflage to hide from predators and prey.许多种蛇利用伪装避免被捕食者和猎物发现。The red deer has no natural predators.赤鹿没有自然天敌。The rabbit's white fur serves as protection from predators during the winter.兔子的白毛在冬天能起到保护自己不被捕食者发现的作用。The birds cannot afford to relax their vigilance against predators.鸟儿不敢放松对天敌的警戒。The eyes of predators are highly sensitive to the slightest movement.捕食性动物的眼睛能够捕捉到最细微的物体移动。Some creatures can conceal themselves from predators by changing colour.有些动物可以通过变换颜色来躲过捕食者。We have allowed our leading businesses to be bought up by foreign predators.我们已经允许国外的收购公司收购我们的龙头企业。While feeding, the birds are vulnerable to predators.那些鸟在进食时易受食肉动物的袭击。The leopard is stronger than any other of the great predators.豹比任何其他大猛兽的力气都大。The lack of a shell leaves the larvae unprotected against predators.没有外壳保护使这些幼虫不能抵御天敌的捕食。The turtles lay their eggs in the damp sand where they are safe from predators.海龟把蛋产在潮湿的沙地里,在那里它们就安全了,不会被其他动物捕食。The birds have to be protected from foxes and other predators.必须保护鸟类免受狐狸和其他肉食动物的侵害。Many fish have ingenious ways of protecting their eggs from predators.很多鱼都有绝妙的方法来保护它们产的卵不被捕食动物吃掉。The population of rabbits is controlled by natural predators.兔子的数量是由它的天敌控制的。The insect's yellow spots act as a warning signal to its predators.昆虫身上的黄点是向其天敌发出的警告信号。




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