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词汇 长满了
例句 The garden is rank with weeds.花园长满了杂草。Walnut trees abound in the lush countryside of the Dordogne.多尔多涅省葱郁的乡间长满了胡桃树。The yard was overgrown with weeds.这个院子长满了杂草。The flowers grow wild along the highway.公路边长满了野花。Weeds quickly colonized the field.田里很快长满了杂草。The garden's full of weeds.花园里长满了杂草。The river is fringed with wild flowers.河两岸长满了野花。Cornflowers grow in profusion in the fields.田里长满了矢车菊。His was a big, strong hand, roughly calloused from fieldwork.他的手大而有力,因为干农活而长满了硬茧。The path grew with weeds.小路长满了野草。The gravestones were covered with moss so that it was impossible to read the names on them.墓碑上长满了青苔,看不清上面的人名。The basement's damp walls were covered with mildew.地下室潮湿的墙面上长满了霉。Much of the track had become overgrown with hawthorn.小路上很多地方都长满了山楂树。Hedgehogs are covered with spines.刺猬浑身长满了刺。I've got a skin condition which gives me blisters all over my body.我患了一种皮肤病,全身长满了水疱。They were starving and covered with sores.他们在挨饿,身上长满了疮。The rotten meat was infested with maggots.腐肉上面长满了蛆。The rocks near the river were covered with moss.河边的岩石长满了苔藓。Flowerbeds and tubs are banked with summer bedding plants.花坛和花盆内长满了高高的夏令花草。The roof was full of holes, all of which sprouted grass and moss.屋顶上全是洞,都长满了草和苔藓。The poor dog's back was covered with sores.那只可怜的狗背上长满了疮。The tombstone was lichenous and crumbling.墓碑长满了地衣,已在崩落。The foothills are covered with trees.山麓上长满了树林。My arms were covered with a rash that itched terribly.我的胳膊上长满了痒得难受的疹子。The bread was covered in green mould.面包上长满了绿色的霉菌。The flowerbeds brim with a mixture of lilies and roses.花坛里长满了百合和玫瑰。The mountain was covered in scrub.山上长满了矮树丛。The garden was overgrown with woody plants such as hawthorn and bramble.花园里长满了诸如山楂、黑莓之类的木本植物。The baby's head is covered with/in fuzz.婴儿的头上长满了毛茸茸的头发。




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