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词汇 长相
例句 She represented authority just because of the way she looked and spoke.她代表权威只不过是因为她的长相和谈吐。We peeped through a crack in the fence and saw Mrs Finley talking to a strange-looking man.我们从篱笆的一条缝里偷偷地望去,只见芬利太太和一名长相古怪的男子在说话。He looks strikingly like his father.长相酷似他父亲。The man was homely and fat.那个人长相平平,有点胖。About an hour later a really fit guy came up to me on the dance floor.大概过了一个小时,一个长相非常俊美的男人在舞池里向我走过来。The poor child inherited his mother's brains and his father's looks.这个可怜的孩子继承了妈妈的头脑和爸爸的长相Matthew had no drive. He coasted along on his good looks.马修没什么雄心壮志,就凭着自己的英俊长相混饭吃。I have a mental picture of what he looks like.对于他的长相我有印象。He'd a good memory for faces, and he was sure he hadn't seen her before.他对别人的长相过目不忘,他确信自己以前没有见过她。Coogan is a comic genius and Sellers lookalike.库根是个喜剧天才,长相酷似塞勒斯。His appearance drew jeers from the crowd.他的长相招来那群人的奚落。Everyone says he's handsome, but I wasn't impressed by his looks.人人都说他英俊,但我觉得他的长相不怎么样。I know her by sight but not by name. 我知道她的长相但不知道她叫什么名字。I have a good memory for faces.我很善于记人的长相The poor lad was not prepossessing. His features were rough-hewn and his movements awkward.这个穷小子不讨人喜欢。他长相粗陋,笨手笨脚。Dana had always considered her looks her chief asset.达纳向来认为她的长相是自己的主要资本。You'd better prepare yourself for how he's going to look. He won't be as you expect.你最好对他的长相有心理准备。他和你的预期会不一样。Emily had refused to marry him on account of his looks.埃米莉因为他的长相而拒绝嫁给他。You can't rely on your looks alone ; you'll need to work very hard.你不能仅靠自己的长相,你还需要很努力地工作。The puffin is an unusual sea bird, and there is something almost comical about the way it moves and looks.海鹦是一种不寻常的海鸟,它的动作和长相有点近乎滑稽。I know his face but I don't remember his name.我知道他的长相,但不记得他的名字了。He was nice-looking, but I wasn't deeply attracted to him.长相不错,但我没有被他深深吸引。How you look is not so important in radio broadcasting.在无线电广播中人的长相不是很重要。He does pretty well in the looks department. 长相,他很出众。There's a sweet young thing making eyes at you.那里有个长相甜美的小妞在向你暗送秋波呢。She turned out to be a ruthless undercover agent and not a bit of fluff after all.她原来是个冷酷无情的卧底间谍,根本不是光有长相却没脑子的性感女郎。You shouldn't have twitted her about her looks.你不该嘲弄她的长相His good looks helped him on the ladder to success.他的英俊长相帮助他踏上了成功的阶梯。They certainly gave the impression of a carefree couple who delighted in each other's company.他们让人明显感觉是一对无牵无挂只求长相厮守的夫妻。He made all sorts of tactless remarks about her appearance.他对她的长相直言不讳。I can remember people's faces, but not their names.我可以记住人的长相,但记不住人的名字。They were an odd-looking couple.这对夫妇长相奇特。There are no photographs of him, so we can only guess at what he looked like.没有他的照片,所以我们只能猜测他的长相She's the spitting image of her mother.长相酷似她的母亲。He had a good memory for faces.他对别人的长相过目不忘。She had pleasant but rather bland features.她很可爱但长相平平。David's good looks and impeccable manners had always made her blind to his faults.戴维英俊的长相和完美的举止总是让她对他的缺点视而不见。So far you have not been able to describe the creature you saw. Either it is amorphous or it is just a figment of your imagination.到目前为止你都无法描述怪物的长相。要不它就是没有固定形状,要不就是你的想像。He always seemed old to me, more like a grandfather than a father.我总感到他长相见老,更像祖父而不是父亲。 James is not only handsome, he's also very tall.詹姆斯不仅长相英俊,而且个子很高。




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