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An enlarged EU should be a buttress against extremism.扩大后的欧盟应该抵制极端主义。We had some of our wedding photos enlarged.我们放大了一些结婚照。The park that encloses the monument has recently been enlarged.环绕着纪念碑的那个公园最近扩建了。The European institutions have enlarged their scope and their functions.那些欧洲机构扩展了自己的业务领域和职责范围。I sent the photos back to the lab to be enlarged.我把照片送回冲洗室去放大。The UN secretary-general yesterday recommended an enlarged peacekeeping force.联合国秘书长昨天建议扩充维和部队。The images were enlarged to the size of a wall of a room.这些图像被放大到跟房间内一面墙一样大。An enlarged Latin group would be in a stronger position to negotiate en bloc with the United States.壮大的拉丁国家群体抱团和美国谈判会更有底气。The organ had enlarged objectively.客观地看,器官已经变大了。He enlarged on the glorious future he had in mind.他详细描述了心目中的美好未来。An enlarged prostate does not necessarily mean cancer.前列腺增大并不一定意味着癌变。The German banking group will have a majority holding in the enlarged company.这家德国银行集团将在扩张后的公司里持有多数股份。The balloon enlarged as we pumped air into it.随着我们往里充气,气球渐渐变大。That's a nice photo, why don't you get it enlarged?那张照片很好,为何不把它放大呢?Police will have the pictures enlarged in an attempt to identify the thief.为了辨认出窃贼,警方会将这些照片放大。They've enlarged the kitchen by building over part of the garden.他们占用一部分花园扩建了厨房。We had the photograph enlarged.我们请人把这张照片放大了。The house was enlarged with a new wing.增建的厢房使房屋扩大了。 |