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词汇 Enemy
例句 Enemy forces are building up in the hills.敌人正在山区集结兵力。Enemy forces lobbed a series of artillery shells onto the city.敌军对该城发起连串炮轰。Enemy searchlights raked the sea.敌方的探照灯横扫海面。Enemy aircraft were detected by our radar.敌机被我方雷达发现。Enemy troops were marching on the city. 敌军正在向这座城市逼近。Enemy ship approaching! Man the guns!敌舰开过来了!枪炮手就位!Enemy troops were even then approaching the city.敌军那时正在逼近那座城市。Enemy planes dropped bombs on the airport.敌机向机场投掷炸弹。Enemy soldiers swarmed the castle.敌军大举包围了这个城堡。Enemy aliens were imprisoned during the war.战争期间敌国侨民遭到监禁。Enemy fighters sniped at them from vacant buildings.敌军从空置的大楼里向他们打冷枪。Enemy gunfire could be heard from several kilometres away.敌军的炮火几公里以外都听得到。Enemy troops launched an assault on the town.敌军对该镇发起了进攻。Enemy soldiers were now all around us.这时我们周围全是敌军。Enemy soldiers are advancing on the city. 敌军正在逼近这座城市。Enemy radio chatter indicated the plane was carrying weapons.敌方无线电台的颤振声表明该飞机载有武器。Enemy bombers wandered around all night long in singles.敌方轰炸机一架又一架,彻夜不断在空中盘旋。Enemy guns fired a shell every two or three minutes.敌人的大炮每隔两三分钟就会开火。Enemy officers suffered harsh reprisals.敌军军官遭到了严厉的报复。Enemy fire continued to rain down.敌军的火力不断地如弹雨般倾泻而来。Enemy agents had leaked into the city.敌特已渗入城内。Enemy forces were almost certainly preparing to invade.敌军准备入侵差不多是肯定的了。Enemy forces have now regained control of the area.敌军现已重新控制这一地区。Enemy forces have taken the airport.敌军已经占领了机场。Enemy fighters have accounted for most of our bombers, Sir.长官,敌机摧毁了我们的大部分轰炸机。Enemy planes engaged the troops as they advanced into the mountains.部队进山的时候,敌机开始对他们发起攻击。Enemy aircraft sank two battleships.敌机击沉了两艘军舰。Enemy forces have consolidated their hold on the northern province.敌军已经巩固了他们对那个省份北部的控制。Enemy troops are closing in all around us!敌军正在对我方形成包围!Enemy soldiers set the building alight.敌军放火点燃了这栋大楼。Enemy communications were destroyed, enabling a surprise attack.敌人的通讯已经被摧毁,这就使突袭成为可能。Enemy submarines were moving in for the kill.敌人的潜艇正靠近目标准备攻击。Enemy troops began closing in at dawn.敌军在黎明时分开始逼近。Enemy troops defiled the universally accepted white flag of surrender by opening fire.敌军向举白旗投降的士兵开火,破坏了这一公认的战争惯例。Enemy forces assaulted the city.敌军向这座城市展开了攻击。Enemy troops are now three miles inside their territory.敌军现已进入他们的领土三英里。Anthrax have hooked up with Public Enemy for a metal/rap version of 'Bring On The Noise'.炭疽乐队和公敌乐队联手合作了重金属加说唱版的歌曲《带来噪音》。Enemy troops occupied the town.敌军占领了这个镇子。Enemy jets have repeatedly violated the Allied no-fly zone.敌人的喷气式飞机反复闯入同盟国的禁飞区。Enemy forces took/held them captive. 敌军将他们俘虏了。




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