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词汇 punishing
例句 The boss asserted his authority by punishing his employees.老板靠惩罚雇员来维护自己的权威。The transatlantic flight was a punishing task for the plane's old engines.对这架飞机的旧引擎来说,横跨大西洋的飞行是一次极为困难的任务。Besides diets, he devised punishing exercise routines.除了节制饮食,他还设计了魔鬼健身计划。Ms Carey appeared to blame her breakdown on EMI's punishing work schedule.凯丽女士似乎将她的精神崩溃归咎于百代唱片公司高度紧张的工作日程安排。There's no good punishing him hours later, because he won't remember what he's done wrong.过了几小时才责罚他没有用,因为他不会记得做了什么错事。Prison reformers are trying to strike a balance between punishing offenders and helping them to avoid repeating their offences.监狱制度的改革者试图在惩办犯人和帮助他们不再重犯这两者之间掌握好平衡。The punishing authority should be aware of all the details before inflicting punishment.执法机关在进行处罚前应该注意所有细节。In effect, she is punishing her parents for making her feel threatened and insecure.其实她是在惩罚父母,因为他们让她感觉受到威胁、没有安全感。The legal system seems to take an all-or-nothing approach to punishing young offenders.法律制度似乎在惩罚年轻的违法者方面采取极端的方式。They vowed to avenge their father by capturing and punishing his killer.他们发誓要抓住并惩罚凶手为父报仇。His punishing schedule seemed to dim his fire at times.有时,繁重的日程安排似乎冷却了他的激情。Smacking is not an acceptable way of punishing a child.要惩罚孩子,打这种办法可不好。I am not in the business of punishing people because they choose to use their car.我不会因为人们选择开自己的车而惩罚他们。My tyres took quite a punishing on the rough terrain.我的车胎在崎岖的地面上磨损得很厉害。He set himself a punishing schedule of talks, lectures and conferences all over America.他给自己安排了一个非常繁重的日程表,在美国各地进行会谈、演说,还要参加会议。The courses are long and punishing, with steep gradients.这些赛道既长又有陡坡,极具挑战性。All of our athletes follow a punishing exercise schedule.我们所有的运动员都在执行一个极其艰苦的训练计划。Few people can handle Antarctica's punishing cold.很少有人能受得了南极洲的严寒。She had a punishing schedule of six classes last semester.上个学期她承担了给六个班授课的超繁重的工作安排。In recent years, the emphasis has moved away from punishing drug addicts towards / toward helping them.近几年,重点已从惩罚吸毒者转为帮助他们。Our teacher is very down on George. She is always punishing him.我们的老师特别同乔治过不去,老是罚他。There's no mechanism for punishing arms exporters who break the rules.对违规的武器出口商实施惩罚尚无执行机制。The boxer was floored by a punishing left jab.拳击手被一记凶狠的左刺拳击倒在地。He claimed his punishing work schedule had made him resort to taking the drug.他声称繁重的工作安排使他不得不依靠服药来维持精力。I don't like punishing you, but it's for your own good.我不想惩罚你,但这是为你好。Instead of simply punishing them, the system encourages offenders to modify their behaviour.这个制度并不是单单惩罚犯罪者,而是鼓励他们改正自己的行为。His punishing work schedule had made him resort to drugs.异常紧张的工作安排使他开始吸毒。




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