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词汇 end
例句 It was the end of a hard day on the campaign trail.选举巡回宣传途中难熬的一天结束了。It's a superb job. You get thrown in at the deep end and it's all down to you.这是一份绝好的工作。你得以进入一个全新的领域,一切都要靠自己。When we moved up, the battle had come to an end.我们开赴指定地点时战斗已经结束。 For some people, competing is the be-all and end-all of their running.对于有些人来说,赛跑的全部意义就是竞争。He argued that Mozart belongs to the end of the baroque and not to the early phase of romantic music.他认为莫扎特的作品属于巴罗克后期音乐,而非浪漫早期音乐。It was a difficult decision, but at the end of the day, we knew we made the right choice.这是一个艰难的决定,但最终,我们知道我们做出了正确的选择。She held onto the free end of the rope.她抓住了绳索松开的那端。He saw the project through to the end.他坚持到这项工程完工。Luckily, she let me postdate the cheque until the end of the month when I get paid.幸运的是,她让我将支票上的日期填为月底,这样我就可以等拿了工资再付钱了。His talk appears to meander but by the end focuses attention on the true state of affairs.他的谈话看似不着边际,最终却集中到了事态的真相上来。I had to sacrifice all of my free time to make this film, but in the end, it was all worth it.我不得不牺牲所有闲暇时间做这部电影,但最终还是很值得的。Death is the necessary end of life.死亡是生命的必然终结。These measures may save money in the short term, but we'll end up spending more later.这些措施在短期内可能会省钱,但是到后来反而会花费更多。There was a gurgle of laughter on the other end of the line.从队伍的另一头传来咯咯的笑声。He's moving in, and that's the end of the matter.他会搬进来,就这样定了。He met a sticky end before a British firing squad.他落得个被英国行刑队处决的悲惨下场。Brazil normalised its diplomatic relations with South Africa in recognition of the steps taken to end apartheid.巴西恢复了与南非的外交关系,以示对其采取措施结束种族隔离的正式认可。Campaigners vowed to carry on the struggle to the bitter end.参加运动的人发誓要斗争到底。At the end of this event, Davies is sure to have moved up a place in the world rankings.这项赛事结束后,戴维斯在世界排名表上肯定能上升一位。As far as I'm concerned Terry is still a friend, end of story.就我而言,特里仍然是我的朋友,就是这样。Mrs. Atwood's note said that she freely chose to end her life.阿特伍德太太的遗书上说她是自愿选择结束生命的。At the end of the race she was completely exhausted, both mentally and physically.比赛结束时,她在精神上和身体上都疲惫不堪。Bristol Shoguns bravely pressed to the bitter end of a seesaw tie, played in a monsoon.布里斯托尔橄榄球队在季风中奋勇拼搏,最后在拉锯战中与对手打成平局。The curtain rises toward the end of the Prelude.序曲快要结束时帷幕升起来了。Be ye faithful unto the end.汝等应至死不渝。She decided to jump in at the deep end, buy a farm, and teach herself.她决定独闯难关,买下一个农场,自己摸索着干。She saved her most potent argument for the end of the speech.她将自己最有力的论证留在最后说。The teacher reminded us to hand in our compositions at the end of class.老师提醒我们下课时交作文。Plant evergreen shrubs around the end of the month.在月末前后种植常绿灌木。She let the long cone of ash hang at the end of her cigarette.她让长长的烟灰留在烟头上。Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd end up here.我从未想到过我会来到这里。The lecturer was just a bit disorganized towards the end.讲课人在快结束时讲得有点凌乱。We were thinking about going to Switzerland, but in the end we went to Austria.我们一直打算要去瑞士,可最后却去了奥地利。We sat in silence at either end of a long wooden table.我们默不作声地坐在一张长木桌的两端。By the end of the meeting the sales team were all fired up and eager to start selling.会议结束时,销售组的成员一个个都热情高涨,迫切地想开始做推销工作。It will be the end of the line for me unless there are some changes around here.除非还有一些变数,不然的话这就是我的尽头。The guerrillas would fight to the bitter end, he said, in order to achieve their main goal.他说,游击队员会为实现主要目标而战斗到底。Everyone was given a diploma at the end of the course.课程结束后,每个人都获发了证书。They prefer, in the end, to stick with what they know.他们最终选择了继续做自己熟悉的事。We cannot guarantee that we will be able to keep you on at the end of your contract.我们不能保证你的合同期满后能继续雇用你。




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