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词汇 极快
例句 Tourism is a mushroom to the country.旅游业是这个国家发展极快的行业。They've been working in double-quick time to finish the project.为了完成这个项目,他们一直在以极快的速度工作。Everybody worked double-quick at the task.每个人都以极快的速度干这项工作。Experienced snowboarders can zip downhill amazingly fast.有经验的滑雪板运动员能够以极快的速度滑下山。Busby maintained a cracking pace.巴斯比保持了极快的速度。Studios are releasing movies at a fast clip.制片厂正在以极快的速度发行影片。They really made time after they let the passengers off.他们让乘客下车后以极快的速度行驶。 The train was going along at quite a lick when it entered the tunnel.火车进入隧道后以极快的速度行驶。Mrs Dambar was talking very rapidly and somewhat forcefully.丹巴尔夫人讲得极快,而且还算令人信服。




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